swatted away what it tartly called the department’s “government-always-wins” argument…the court said, not only has the Energy Department acted in excess of statutory authority, but the record also contains “ample evidence” that the department’s new rulesreducedefficiency inbothenergy and wa...
The Halliwa Saponi powwow, But I can’t find it in the calendar. Is this powwow going to happen? Reply Af November 8, 2016 at 8:09 pm The Stone Mt. POW WoW was excellent! I took a class there. It was very informative with lots of activities for everyone. Great presentations ...
Defending Masters champion Jordan Spieth entered the back nine of the 2016 final round with a five-stroke lead but went into a tailspin that crescendoed with a quadruple bogey on the 12th hole. The famed Rae’s Creek sits at the bottom of the short par three, protecting the front of the...