Hawaii State Capitol 设计匠心独运,象征意义非凡 首页 全部景点 夏威夷州议会大厦 从1898年夏威夷正式成为美国的第50个州开始,这里就是夏威夷州政府办公的地方,这里树木参天,百花争艳,环境优美,如茵的草园宛如神话世界。 夏威夷议会大厦建于1969年,其建筑本身就是一本实实在在的夏威夷文化历史教科书。议会大厦通过建筑...
必应词典为您提供Hawaii-State-Capitol的释义,网络释义: 夏威夷州议会大厦;夏威夷州政府大楼;夏威夷的州议会大厦;
ways of island life. His "Law of the Splintered Paddle" guaranteed the protection of citizens from harm during war and became a landmark in humanitarian law. He is honored with a statue in the U.S. Capitol's National Statuary Hall. The 36-member Hawaii Commemorative Quarter Advisory Commissi...
2.(Placename) Also called:Washington, DCthe capital of the US, coextensive with the District of Columbia and situated near the E coast on the Potomac River: site chosen by President Washington in 1790; contains the White House and the Capitol; a major educational and administrative centre. Po...
必应词典为您提供Hawaii-State-Capitol-Building的释义,网络释义: 州议会;夏威夷州议会大厦;
5. Hawaii State Capitol, Honolulu Hawaii’s capitol building is one of the newest on the list. It was completed in 1969 and is unlike any other political building in the country. Architecturally speaking, it’s an American adaptation of modernist Bauhaus, dubbed ‘Hawaiian International Architectu...
MIRIAM HELLREICH: "As you probably know, the Republican Party of Hawaii is my personal cash machine and country club . . . and it has been for some time. That's why I cannot afford to relinquish any control, even if I have to buddy up to these fanatical followers of Jonah. Malia Gr...
Images of the Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford, Connecticut, available both as prints and digitally via royalty-free licenses.
Sense of PlaceHawaii State Capitol BuildingModern ArchitectureBy featuring buildings as pure objects, modern architecture neglects the implications of what happens in between buildings, which is resulting in the disappearance of character of the unique places. Hawaii State Capitol building is a symbol ...
11. 夏威夷州/Hawaii 阿卡卡瀑布州立公园/Akaka Falls State Park (图片来自 history) 徒步旅行在热带雨林之中,蕨类植物,兰花和竹子不正是夏威夷的代表吗?然而在远处,你将听到隆隆作响的声音,越来越大,直到……你面对着442英尺的瀑布正灌浇着岩石峡谷,最后你还能体验一把空中绳索。