ProvisionalStateofthe GlobalClimate2023 行业报告资源群 微信扫码长期有效 微信扫码行研无忧 免责申明: 本内容非原报告内容; 报告来源互联网公开数据;如侵权 请联系客服微信,第一时间清理; 报告仅限社群个人学习,如需它用 请联系版权方; 如有其他疑问请联系微信。
The shift from La Niña, which lasted from mid-2020 to early 2023, to fully developed El Niño conditions by September 2023 likely explains some of the rise in temperature from 2022 to 2023. Why does global temperature change from one year to the next? Play the interactive video to fi...
SUBJECTTO COPYEDIT WMO-No.1347 StateoftheGlobal Climate2023 W EA TH ER CL IM AT E W AT E R B Coverillustration:Ameltingglacierwithchunksoficebreakingapart.Thebackgroundcapturestheconsequencesof globalwarmingoniceformations.GenerativeAI.ParRegina.N°defichier:640624130 WMO-No.1347 ©World...
The State of Global Air Report 2020 has been released and it talks about the dangerous effects of air pollution and ozone exposure limits of various countries. In fact, the findings of the report are so appalling that it's high time to curb air pollution more aggressively.State of the Globa...
Research Report The current state of air cargo market dynamics 5-minute read September 27, 2024 In brief International air cargo capacity is led by strong inbound routes to North America and mainly driven by freighters and integrators Asia Pacific and Middle Eastern trade lanes drive year-to-...
Global international air cargo capacity shows slight improvements over the last 4 weeks, growing at 1%. Freighters are driving capacity growth, with a +6% increase from airlines and +2% increase from integrators compared to the previous four weeks of 2024....
Polarregionsaresensitivetoclimatechange.thisannualreport,usingvariousclimatedata,indicatesthattheAntarcticandArcticshowedpersistentamplificationeffectsofclimatechangein2023,withfrequentextremeeventsandnotableimpactsonlocalecologyandglobalweather. TheAntarcticshowedslightlyhigherairtemperaturewithlargeeast-westregionaldifferencesand...
Q2Q32023 Q4 Q1 Q22024 Q3 nCBINSIGHTS16 StateofAI|GlobalTrends|InvestmentTrends Mega-roundfunding&dealsbyglobalregioninQ3’24 $1.3B Asia Europe $1.2B 5Deals 4Deals US $5.9B 18Deals Oceania .$0.1B 1Deal nCBINSIGHTS17 StateofAI|GlobalTrends|InvestmentTrends Quarterlymega-rounddealsbyglobalregion...
The Airship “State of Global Mobile Engagement 2020” report looks at data from hundreds of millions of individual active global app users, comparing usage patterns from pre-pandemic behavior to after the pandemic began in March 2020. The data from the report shows massive gains for several key...
Fox News correspondent John Roberts said on air that the Trump campaign was "livid." As the night unfolded, Fox News' average audience topped rivals in prime time and into the early morning hours of Wednesday, according to Nielsen data. From 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. ...