Federal Lien Registrations Search by: FLR Debtor Name Detail by FLR Document Number Need help with your search? Federal Lien Registrations Search Guide Cable Franchises Search by: Cable Franchise Name Cable Franchise Number List all Florida cable franchises by: ...
Search online court records from superior courts, justice courts, circuit courts, and other US State Courts for free. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of state court cases by name, case number, part
Do all Florida Vessels Require Titling and Registration? No, there are some exemptions. The main exception is for nonmotorized powered vessels less than 16 feet in length. If a vessel is exempt from titling and registration, then you won't be able search for that vessel's record, even if ...
FloridaNoneNoNoN/A GeorgiaNoneNoNoN/A HawaiiNoneNoAn employer’s policy or employee contract governs whether earned, unused vacation is paid on separation.An employee can sue for unpaid final wages. The employer may be liable for fines ranging from $2,000 to $10,000 per offense, criminal fine...
After the motor vehicle department receives the title, it will notify the applicant to return to a local DMV location to complete the remaining steps of the procedure. If you pay off the loan prior to initiating the transfer of title, you will avoid transferring your lien holder on your new...
Squatters in Florida who pay taxes on your property for 7 years can claim adverse possession. Georgia Squatters Rights Squatters can gain possession of a property by living on it for 7 years or more, except for undeveloped land, where the minimum occupation is 20 years. Can police remove squa...
In so asserting, she referenced the Medicaid Act’s prohibition against the State imposing a lien on non-medical-related settlement proceeds such as lost wages or pain and suffering. As a result of the Gallardo decision, Florida Plaintiffs who are Medicaid recipients should expect that the ...
Make all checks payable to theFlorida Department of State. Checks and money orders must be payable in U.S. currency drawn from a U.S. bank. Processing File by mail:Processedin the order received. Public Records Notice:Any information you submit on your document will be part of the public...
•RGA: I’m not sure what you can do with $6.5 million in half a week, but the RGA is determined to find out. They put that much money into four governor’s races in some of the nation’s largest states: Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and (interestingly, since they haven’t sweated ...
If there are liens against the car, the owner has to settle them before you try taking the car out of state. You can use aLien Payoff Service, where the Buyer and Seller guarantee that the current lien holder will be paid off at the close of the transaction. ...