Florida does not specify a state overtime pay. Follow the federal overtime law. Georgia Georgia follows federal overtime rules. Hawaii Hawaii follows federal overtime rules. However, the state does consider hours worked beyond eight in a workday overtime if the work is performed on a St...
furlough, PTO, PDO, or something else, you need to know what laws govern PTO in the states where you operate. You should particularly be aware of any legal requirements regarding paying out banked PTO upon termination of employment, so you can design yourPTO and paid leave policiesaccordingly...
Employers can adjust an employee's schedule or mandate unpaid time off to prevent additional accrual eligibility. Upon an employee's departure from the job — whether voluntary or involuntary — all accrued comp time must be compensated in wages at the employee's regular rate of pay. Nevada:As...
with no loss of benefits. During such time the Associate or alternate shall continue to be paid at his/her regular rate and shall receive all fringe benefits, seniority accrual and other benefits. When not using time for such purposes, Associates and alternates will perform their regularly ...
Prohibition of COVID-19-Related Employment Requirements: Effective June 1, 2023, Florida implemented FL S.B. 252, which prohibits employers from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination or COVID-19 testing as a condition of employment. The law also prohibits employment discrimination against individu...
second, other jurisdictions are no longer shy about openly soliciting and enticing New Yorkers away from the Empire State – just look at what Florida’s Governor DeSantis and Miami’s Mayor Suarez are doing to attract finance and technology companies to the Sunshine State;[x] and third, the...