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In Sect. 10.1 we describe methods for determining the opacity for atomic mixtures. This implies absence of chemical bonding, i.e., temperatures and densities are such that molecules are dissociated. It also implies that ion–ion interactions, such as
κn1t,hκis2,tahnedavγemraagree the decay rate of phonon number Effective coupling between the auxiliary cavity and the mechanical resonator. Since the decay rate of cavity 1 (κ1) is much larger than the decay rate of cavity 2 (κ2) and the damping ttoiorn(γomf )t,htehfeircsat...
This is necessary, as only ages <350 ka can be obtained by U-Th disequilibria dating due to the attainment of secular equilibrium in the 238U decay chain. Combining the U-Th and U-Pb ages therefore biases the age population towards higher numbers for ages <350 ka. Considering that ...
Bacterial decay in wooden foundation piles—Patterns and causes: A study of historical pile foundations in the Netherlands Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad., 61 (1) (2008), pp. 45-60 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [105] A.P. Schniewind, Physical and mechanical properties of ...
Environmental Health 2014, 13:26 http://www.ehjournal.net/content/13/1/26 Page 8 of 12 Table 3 Linear regression of decay in distance to TRI facilities by exposure factors in Maryland (2010) Univariate linear regression Multivariate linear regression Sociodemographic measures Beta coefficient p-...
It seems, that the approach of Lorent/Gevers for the inflow to the storage directs especially in cases with high precipitation intensity too less water to the direct surface runoff, leading to an underestimation of the flow peak and a too slow decay of the outflow (see also Figure 4 for...
Unpubl. Final Rept. prepared for the Calif. Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection, Contract No. 8CA3802. Sacramento, CA. 177 p.BOTTORFF, R.L.; KNIGHT, A.W. The Effects of Clearcut logging on the stream biology of the north fork of Caspar creek, Jackson Demonstration State Forest, ...
wherei = 40K,232Th,235U and238U,jindicates mafic and felsic crust,Fis volumetric proportion,ρis the density (2800 kg m−3),λiis the decay constant (yr−1),tis time before present (yr),Hiis heat production (mW m−3),Ciis the present-day concentration (Supplementary Dat...
Melanoma represents the most aggressive form of skin cancer, and its incidence continues to rise worldwide. 18F–FDG PET imaging has transformed diagn