State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition is een bijgewerkte en verbeterde versie van de bekende zombie-survivalgame, inclusief de gloednieuwe Homecoming-update. Deze update bevat een volledige geremasterde, open wereld-versie van Trumbull Valley voor de core
腐烂国度3在哪里下载可以去Steam平台下载,地址是:。暂未登录EPIC平台和PS平台,主机玩家们还需等待。《腐烂国度3》下载主要看购买版本,Steam版只需要在购买页面购买之后,点击页面中的马上开玩选择文件存放位置就能开始下载了。 相关攻略:《腐烂国度3》...
State of Decay, free and safe download. State of Decay latest version: The definitive zombie game?. State of Decay puts you in the difficult situation
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition is an updated and improved version of the popular survival game that’s been redesigned as a new experience to welcome first-time players, yet with new and remastered content for the most experienced survivors.Trailers...
State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition For:PC,Xbox One Genres: Publisher: Developer: Add to My Games Add to Wishlist Achievements Cannibal Family Picnic Made it to the Mt. Tanner Ranger Station. 10 I Can See My House From Here
About this game Will you survive the zombie apocalypse? Attempt to build a thriving community while fending off an onslaught of zombies in the action-adventure survival horror State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition. With this Steam key, you’ll receive the State of Decay main game with ...
State of Decay 2: Ultimate Edition 腐烂国度 2 终极版State of Decay 2: Ultimate Edition Undead Labs 2018-05-17 - . -- . - 简介 开发/发行 暂无评分 - . - 评论数不足 - . - 《腐烂国度 2》是由 Undead Labs 制作、Microsoft Game Studios 发行的一款第三人称射击游戏,是 2013 年发售于 PC ...
腐烂国度:周年生存版State of Decay: Year-OneState of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition Undead Labs 2015-04-27 7.27.2 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 媒体评分 7.2 会员评分 7.2 《腐烂国度》和它的两个主要资料片 Breakdown 和 Lifeline,现在一起以令人惊叹的 1080p 画质重新展现在玩家面前。全新的任...