See a history of all changes to your environment with the ability to revert, fork, and merge changes between versions. See howto revert to a previous commit Open Source Licensing ActiveStateTcl and the modules you install via the command line are licensed under their original licenses. ...
wherekis the model sampling time multiplied by the discrete time step, where the discrete time step equals 0, 1, 2, … nis the number of model states mis the number of model inputs ris the number of model outputs xis the model state vector ...
This article presents a review of the evolution of automatic post-editing, a term that describes methods to improve the output of machine translation syste
True,True,True,True,False dnn_use_laynorm = False,False,False,False,False dnn_act = relu,relu,relu,relu,softmax arch_lr = 0.08 arch_halving_factor = 0.5 arch_improvement_threshold = 0.001 arch_opt = sgd opt_momentum = 0.0 opt_weight_decay = 0.0 opt_dampening = 0.0 opt_nesterov = ...
opt_weight_decay = 0.0 opt_dampening = 0.0 opt_nesterov = False The sections[architecture*]are used to specify the architectures of the neural networks involved in the ASR experiments. The fieldarch_namespecifies the name of the architecture. Since different neural networks can depend on a diffe...
No significant signal is observed in the invariant-mass range of 3.4–3.8 GeV/c2. Upper limits are set on the ratio of branching fractions multiplied by the production cross-section with respect to the Ξcc++ → (Ξc+ → pK−π+)π+ decay for different Ξcc+ mass and lifetime ...
To compensate for the temporal mismatch between fast leg movements and slower calcium signal decay dynamics, every joint angle and behavioral state regressor was convolved with a calcium indicator decay kernel chosen to maximize the explained variance in neural activity, with the aim of reducing the ...
It was also more efficient, permitting the acquisition of 50% more slices in each breath-hold since VFA-TSE requires the use of signal averaging to reduce free induction decay artifacts. Comparing 3D uSSFP with DIR-TSE, aortic wall sharpness was similar, but DIR-TSE only permitted a single ...
Single Higgs boson production in the SM, with two additional jets and with a subsequent decay of the Higgs boson to two photons, is also considered. In some cases, additional jets can be effectively initiated by b quarks, but in others they can be initiated by lighter quarks and misidentifie...
True,True,True,False dnn_use_laynorm = False,False,False,False,False dnn_act = relu,relu,relu,relu,softmax arch_lr = 0.08 arch_halving_factor = 0.5 arch_improvement_threshold = 0.001 arch_opt = sgd opt_momentum = 0.0 opt_weight_decay = 0.0 opt_dampening = 0.0 opt_nesterov = False ...