5 issue, in which he offered his views regarding the “pother” over the wedding of Calvin Coolidge’s son, John, to Florence Trumbull, the daughter of Connecticut Governor John Harper Trumbull… White could have looked no further than the pages of The New Yorker for further evidence to his...
We turn back toE.B. White,TheNew Yorker’smost enthusiastic proponent of the aviation age. In the previous issue (Nov. 30) White had rhapsodized about a flight he took on a huge, new Fokker F-32. In the Dec. 7 “Talk of the Town” White reported that the very same plane had cr...
Currently,MotoGPhas only one round in the Middle East, going to Qatar annually. The Losail track is the only one that hosts night races, having never before had a race in that region of the planet. The interest in hosting the championship has grown in recent years, with several countries ...
During World War II, the federal government sponsored about 1,300 Jamaican seasonal workers to bring their expertise north, many to Connecticut’s tobacco fields, hoping to boost the crop’s production for the war effort. New waves of seasonal workers continued to arrive, many of whom ended ...
Above: The Dec. 2, 1934 opening of the reconstructed Central Park Menagerie drew such luminaries as Mayor Fiorello La Guardia, pictured at left with his family, and, at right, former New York Governor Al Smith, who was designated honorary zookeeper. Smith, who, lived across from the zoo at...
forced to leave Russia in 1904 after the Tsar nationalized the Russian vodka industry…Smirnoff relocated to Turkey, then Poland, and then Paris, each time with limited success…at the end of Prohibition the brand relocated once again to a distillery in Bethel, Connecticut, hence this ...
at the end of Prohibition the brand relocated once again to a distillery in Bethel, Connecticut, hence this advertisement… …the habanero pepper has been used to infuse everything from tequila to vodka to whiskey…this particular product was marketed as something new that could be mixed with a...
Top right, Sagramor (Mitchell Harris) confronts the “Connecticut Yankee” Hank Martin (Will Rogers). Below, the queen (Myrna Loy) tries to make nice with Hank. (IMDB) * * * From Our Advertisers If you had the time but not the means to travel to Europe (it was the Depression, ...