Climate2023 W EA TH ER CL IM AT E W AT E R B Coverillustration:Ameltingglacierwithchunksoficebreakingapart.Thebackgroundcapturestheconsequencesof globalwarmingoniceformations.GenerativeAI.ParRegina.N°defichier:640624130 WMO-No.1347 ©WorldMeteorologicalOrganization,2024 ...
2024), and the breaking of many other climate records (Ripple et al. 2023a). Moreover, we will see much more extreme weather in the coming years (Masson-Delmotte et al. 2021). Human-caused carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases are the primary drivers of climate change. As ...
According to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, climate extremes are becoming more frequent and intense. The probability of compound events, such as concurrentheatwaves and droughts, is rising and expected to continue with global warming. The Challenge According to WMO...
April 19, 2023 | Report2022 was overshadowed by inflation. As that shadow is lifting, European grocers are gearing up for future growth by investing in private labels, retail media, automation, and sustainability.The State of Grocery Retail Europe 2023: Living with and responding to unce...
"Let's face reality. The climate crisis doesn't care if you're in a red state or blue state. It's an existential threat," he said. "We have an obligation, not to ourselves, but to our children and grandchildren, to confront this and I'm proud of how the how America at last is...
Even though shoppers have proven less willing than hoped to pay extra for planet-friendly products, making the business case for sustainability less obvious to executives among other competing priorities, the mounting cost of climate change, and government action to combat it, mean sustainability must...
Looking at what policy-makers can do to boost growth in the next five years, chief economists highlighted innovation, infrastructure development, education and skills development, and monetary policy as the most effective policy levers regardless of countries’ income levels. Policy action in a number...
In a speech to announce the U.S.’s Fifth Climate Assessment on Nov. 14, 2023—a report that was compiled by more than 700 climate scientists and thousands of contributors— President Joe Biden stated that the greatest existential threat to the U.S. and humanity is...
When determining the safety of a state in terms of climate change, we have to consider more than just environmental risks. Climate change research has long pointed to a dire future and called on states and nations to take action. Fortunately,a lot of states havedone so. Overall, 26 states...
Here are some excerpts froma reportin theNew York Postby Ryan King. A Biden administration ban on certain natural gas water heaters as part of the lame duck president’s climate agenda could send prices soaring for the elderly and the poor. Under the policy, new non-condensing, natural gas...