Along with more than 60 other employees at a Culver City, California, car wash, Dominguez-Alcala alleged his employer committed a range of wage theft violations, including not giving employees required time off and overtime. Dominguez-Alcala told CBS News Los Angeles reporter Ross Palombo he was...
supposedly self-sustaining form of socialistic self-governing housing when there’s no price tag attached (57 percent of Seattle voters supported I-135), quite another when they’re asking for an endless stream of money before any proof of concept. It also doesn’t help that in developing ...
Allstate steadily increased auto rates throughout 2023 as part of a “comprehensive plan to increase profitability,” per a statement from the company. Additionally, Allstate stopped writing new home and condominium insurance policies in California in 2022. California homeowners with active Allstate ho...
They give $9,000 to parents to buy a trampoline for their backyard for their intitled children, but want the PUA food and medicine money back from people who lost their jobs due to Covid. Cruelty at its max, but then again, I guess cruelty is the point. Date of experience: July 12...
Get the best of our money saving content every Thursday, straight to your inbox + Get a £20 Quidco bonus(new members only).More details Email Address I agree to receive email updates and promotions. How to check your State Pension record ...
Allan Roy Dafoe had gone from being a country doctor to one of North America’s most trusted medical authorities. Dafoe would become the childrens’ guardian and impresario, and make a fortune marketing their story and images. QUINTUPLE YOUR MONEY…After he delivered the Dionee quintuplets, Dr....
Say good-bye to small-town Kansas. It's fading.Three-fourths of the state's 105 counties - all of them rural - lost population between 2000 and 2004.
Idon’t wantpoliticians having more money to waste. Sin taxeswill encourageproblematic black markets.. People shouldhave the freedomto make dumb choices. I’ll close by addressing a common counter-argument, which is that people who make dumb choices can impose costs on the rest of society. ...
Sample rates in Pasadena, California, based on homes that are 1–3 years old with only a $1,000 deductible clearly show State Farm as the winner among the top 10 insurance providers. In that survey of top providers in California, State Farm measures up pretty evenly in the $200,000 rang...