California Phone: 800-883-5910 Address: Data Storage Section Franchise Tax Board PO Box 1570 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1570 Website: State of California Franchise Tax Board Price: $20.00/tax return Colorado Phone: 303-866-3329 Address: Colorado Department of Revenue Tax Files – Room 136 PO ...
You can check the status of your California State tax refund online at the California Franchise Tax Board website. You will need to know the primary Social Security Number, complete mailing address, and the exact amount of your anticipated refund. ...
TaxRepresentative ForRespondent:PeterS.Pierson 'TaxCounsel OPIN1ON Theseappealsaremadepursuanttosection oftheRevenueandTaxationCodefromtheactionofthe FranchiseTaxBoardonagainstproposedassessments ofadditionalfranchise-taxasfollows: Income AppellantYear --
15, but did not pay all of your taxes due by April 15: 5% per month and 0.5% of the unpaid tax for each month or part of the month it’s unpaid, not to exceed 40 months (monthly).Contact the California Franchise Tax Board to apply for a Reasonable Cause - Claim for Refund so ...
Problem: The California Franchise Tax Board is asking you to make a correction and on your CA Tax Return. Solution: Please sign in to your account now and click on My Return in the upper left. 1. Sign in: 2. Click on My Return on...
California: The California Franchise Tax Board issued long-awaited proposed regulations amending its market-based sourcing rules for sales of other than tangible personal property. Specifically, the proposed regulations would revise the industry-specific assignment rules for providers of large volume professi...
* Includes New York City return ** Includes Philadelphia BIRT & NPT returns *** Texas 1040 Franchise Tax supported *** Includes Portland/Multnomah returns MET-40, MET-40-NP, MC-40, MC-40-NP, and ARTS. N/A = Not available by the state — = Not supported within TaxActTax...
The Multistate Tax alert archive includes external tax alerts issued by Deloitte Tax LLP's Multistate Tax practice during the last three years.
California's stricted the amount of interest expense before the decision in Hunt-Wesson Inc. v. Franchise Tax Board of California, which Hellerstein debated before the U.S. Supreme Court. He offered his opinion on the First Use Tax, just before its legality was debated before the U.S. ...
According to the California Franchise Tax Board, payments are expected to begin in March 2021 and could take: Direct deposits: up to 45 days Paper checks: up to 60 days How will I receive a California stimulus check? Payments will be issued separately from your individual state tax refund ...