“Congratulations, your wife has had quintuplets five big baby boys.” The Redneck said, “I’m not surprised, I have a penis the size of a fucking chimney.” The nurse replied, “You might want to consider getting it cleaned. They’re all black.” THE GREAT OUTDOORS BRUCE JENNER'S ...
“There were times that when that camera went on several of the liberal justices, they were on the brink of losing it. You could see it in their eyes, and you could hear it in the tone of their voice,” he told conservative talker Meg Ellefson on WSAU-AM (550) and its sister stati...
but the underlying grievances and frustrations of the local community are justified. Many white people – and sadly many of my own family and friends – will focus myopically on the relatively small number of unlawful actors and dismiss the entire situation with a familiar, “see Black ...
Soon I realized it took a crew of 12 to lift the tent. Serena was beaming when it was up. “This game is my baby. My sister’s aunt groomed me for it.” Check out the Buoy Pitch, but mostly, check out Serena. She’s the anchor of it all.Wise...
It's no surprise that pets are popular here in Minnesota, but just which type of pet is most popular: cats or dogs? Is a debate as old as mankind: which animals are more popular, cats or dogs, here in Minnesota? Usually, when someone asks if you're a cat person or a dog person...