In theory, a deterioration of the health status of Canadian workers could explain slower productivity growth. However, the evidence does not support this hypothesis. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that illness and disability impose a massive indirect economic burden on the Canadian economy because ...
Introduction: Alcohol use is one of the main preventable risk factors affecting mortality and premature disability. Objective: To describe the estimates of mortality and years of life lost as a result of premature death (YLL) due to cirr... APS Melo,EB França,DC Malta,... - Revista brasi...
Value-laden social concepts include criminal insanity (mental disorder that negates criminal guilt), civil incompetence (mental disorder that invalidates civil decision-making), and, in many contexts, disability [2010]. The key point remains: a bare disease judgment per se entails no value ...
The formal name of the social security programme in the UnitedStatesis"Old Age, SurvivorsAndDisability InsuranceProgram", which is contributed by Americans [...] 美國的社會保障計劃的正名是 “Old Age,SurvivorsAndDisability InsuranceProgram”,是需要美國人 供款的:僱員的供...
S. (2010). State and local area estimates of depression and anxiety among adults with disabilities in 2006. Disability and Health Journal, 4(2), 78-90. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2010.05.001Okoro CA, McKnight-Eily LR, Strine TW, et al. State and local area estimates of depression and anxiety...
Why some children encounter reading problems: The contribution of difficulties with language processing and linguistic sophistication to early reading disability [Introduction] Learning to read involves learning to decode a written representation of one's spoken language. Although it is a task which most...
Tobacco use and tobacco smoke exposure are among the most important preventable causes of premature disease, disability, and death and therefore constitute a major pediatric health concern. The pediatric primary care setting offers excellent opportunities to prevent tobacco use in youth and to deliver ...
disability, and violence [...] 为了纪 念今年的国际残疾人日,国务部正在 举办针 对艾 滋病毒/艾滋病与残疾、以及对残疾妇女和儿童的暴力等问题的一系列活动。 [...] Political Parties, the Law on Mass Events, the Law on State Security Bodies, the Criminal...
California State Disability Insurance Tax (CA SDI Tax) Last Updated: February 7, 2024 | Read Time: 11 min Many companies offer temporary disability insurance as a paid benefit to their employees. California, on the other hand, is one of five states that requires an employee-paid state disabil...
A happy state of mind: a history of mild elation, denial of disability, optimism, and laughing in multiple sclerosis. S. Finger, "A happy state of mind a history of mild elation, denial of disability, optimism, and laughing in multiple sclerosis," Archives of ... S Finger - 《Arch ...