Nevada has this statute in effect. However, the Supreme Court interpreted the law differently -- as an “all party rule.” Across the country in Alabama, the covert filming of individuals while they were trespassing on private properties was considered unlawful surveillance. This may sound strange...
Another common topic for regulation under landlord-tenant laws involves common fees charged by landlords. Among others, late fees are routinely regulated and capped at specific dollar amounts (such as $50 per instance) or at a rate relative to the amount of rent owed. Most states also cap ho...
Alabama Alaska Arizona ArkansasClick on Title 18 (Property), then Subtitle 2 (Real Property), and the Landlord-Tenant Law is in Chapters 16 and 17. California (searchable index)Check the Box “Civil Code” and type “landlord tenant” in the search field ...
Alabama[1] 1 month’s rent + pet deposit, property modification costs, and anything else that could add risk for the landlord (such as a tenant with prior evictions) Alaska[2] 2 months’ rent + pet deposit No limit if rent exceeds $2,000 per month ...
Landlord Associations Mississippi Apartment Association Mississippi Association of Affordable Housing Providers Greater Gulf Coast Apartment Association Jackson Real Estate Investment Group State Rental Laws Neighboring Mississippi Alabama Rental Laws Arkansas Rental Laws ...
Snow Removal Laws by State Alabama:No state snow removal law. Alaska:The Alaska Landlord Tenant Actsays that the landlord must remove snow and ice from common areas ( Coburn v. Burton, 790 P.2d 1355 (Alaska 1990).) The lease can require that a tenant is responsible for removing snow fro...
limit the grounds on which a landlord may evict a tenant, and mandate more or less elaborate arbitration or mediation procedures to adjudicate or settle disputes about the application of the ordinance or statute to the parties. We exclude commercial rent control and mobile home space rent control...
10 Years Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming 7 Years or Less Arkansas, California, Florida, Montana Each state has enacted laws to protect property owners...
It’s important to have a firm grasp of federal, state, and local laws so you can understand how they interact. Landlord-Tenant Law FAQ What are my rights as a renter? In general, tenant rights include freedom from discrimination, the ability to live in a habitable environment, and the ...
All taxes administered by the Alabama Department of Revenue except for motor fuel, motor vehicle, and property taxes. Waiver of penalties and interest. However, penalties may be imposed for reasons such as failing to comply with the amnesty provisions, providing false or fraudulent information, and...