'We will define form-sets as the constituents of states of affairs which can be intersubstituted in states of affairs to form new ones. We can imagine possible but non-actual states of affairs, such as there being pink elephants, but we cannot image any associated states of affairs in the...
Foggy Bottom- United States Department of State, which is housed in a building in a low-lying area of Washington near the Potomac River Bureau of Diplomatic Security,DS- the bureau in the State Department that is responsible for the security of diplomats and embassies overseas ...
Historians of colonial India have argued that cartography was central to colonial power in India; maps came to define the British empire's authority in the subcontinent. The effectiveness of imperial geography made India a concrete entity for both British colonialists and Indian nationalists, for ...
PreviouslyonStateofAffairs... 你自动删除了 You'remakingomissions 该日记忆中的一些片段 fromyourmemoryofthatday. 我记得艾伦 Iremember.Aaron! 我记得他死去 Iremember.Irememberhimdying. 我们的朋友希德叫我帮你 OurfriendSydaskedmetohelpyou. 尽情地听吧 ...
Joined with another word, it denotes public, or what belongs to the community or body politic; as state affairs; state policy. STATE, v.t. 1. To set; to settle. [See Stated.] 2. To express the particulars of any thing verbally; to represent fully in words; to narrate; to recite....
8-step process Step 1 - Identifying a Problem problem - discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs must be such that it exerts pressure to act manager is unlikely to characterize a situation as a problem unless s/he has resources necessary to act Decision Making © Prent...
A period of imitation may be inevitable in emerging industries, but that period reflects the level of uncertainty rather than a desired state of affairs enduringly 성공하는 회사는 그들의 활동에서 유일한 경쟁 장소를 정의하고 구현하는 것...
To emphasize this simplification, we will sometimes use the word “configuration” in place of “state of affairs.” Of course, this is an abuse of language; when we say, for example, “a configuration x channeled to the observer,” we mean that a state of affairs c, for which x = ...
head of penis head of phalanx (of hand or foot) head of phalanx of hand or foot Head of Processing Activity Head of Procurement Head of Procuring Activity Head of Profession Head of Programmes Head of Public Policy and Corporate Affairs Head of Quantitative Risk Management head of radius Head...
That was stated explicitly in # by Israel's then economic affairs minister, Yaakov Meridor 年,时任以色列经济事务部长的雅各布·梅里多尔明确地表明了这一点。 MultiUn Some States explicitly indicated that their preferred tool for extradition were bilateral treaties. 一些国家明确表示,其倾向于用双边条...