Origin of Song: "Rhode Island" The song, "Rhode Island", words and music by Thomas Clarke Brown (1885-1953), was adopted as the official song of Rhode Island on April 30, 1946. However, in 1996, a bill was approved in the General Assembly that replaced "Rhode Island" as the official...
Rhode Island, oh Rhode Island surrounded by the sea. Some people roam the earth for home; Origin of Song: "Rhode Island's It for Me" And the respect runs both ways. Hall credits Cianci for inspiring him, albeit inadvertently, to pen the Rhode Island state song. "A few years ago," H...
Origin of name: From the Greek island of RhodesMotto:“Hope”Slogan: "Unwind"State symbols: Bird: Rhode Island red hen (1954) Fish: Striped bass (2000) Shell: Quahog (1987) Flower: Violet (1968) Fruit: Rhode Island greening (1991) Tree: Red maple (1964) Mineral: Bowenite (1966) ...
Rhode Island's state motto was adopted as an element of the state coat of arms or "Arms of the state". The following information is excerpted from the Rhode Island Statutes, Title 42, Chapter 4. The motto is found on the state's coat of arms, the seal and flag....
Origin of name:Michigan derives from the indigenous word Michigama, meaning great or large lake. Motto:“Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice” (If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you) State symbols: Flower:Apple blossom (1897) ...
State Nickname - The Ocean State, Little Rhody State Motto - "Hope" State Song - Rhode Island, It's for Me Rhode Island State Symbols and Emblems:State Flag Rhode Island's official flag was adopted in 1897. The flag is white, fringed with yellow on three sides. A yellow anchor is cir...
The motto of this beautiful state is "Live Free or Die," and we'd prefer to do the former. New Mexico Let's delve into the essence of New Mexico. With the slogan "Cleaner than regular Mexico," New Mexico proudly distinguishes itself from the other American states. This one is infused...
Origin of name: From the Massachusett people, meaning "at or about the great hill"Motto: ”Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem” (By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty)State symbols: Bird: Black-capped chickadee (1941)Cat: Tabby cat (1988)Dog: Boston Terrier (...
State Motto:Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietemtranslates to by the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty State Nickname:Bay State Origin of State Name:Based on the Algonquin Indian wordmassachussettmeaning “near the great little mountain“ ...
Origin of the Name Hawaii - Hawaii may been named for the traditional home of the Polynesians, Hawaii or Hawaiki, called "Owhyhee".State Nickname - Aloha StateState Motto - "Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono" - The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness...