事件(Event):事件可以分成调用事件、变化事件、时间事件和信号事件等 - UML表示法 - 事件分类:事件按传送范围分为外部事件和内部事件,按事件源类型分为调用、变化、时间、信号、延迟事件等类型。 - 按传送范围分 - 外部事件:系统与外部参与者之间传送的事件 - 内部事件:系统内部各对象之间传送的事件 - 按事件源...
【UML建模】状态图(State Machine Diagram) 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38249409/article/details/129958468 1.概述 状态图,又称为状态机图,是一种用于描述对象的生命周期和状态转换的UML图示,它是一种行为图,用于描述对象的状态和状态之间的转换。这里的对象大多数情况是指的类生成的对象,但是有时候也会...
Statechart-diagrammer bruges til at beskrive de forskellige tilstande, som et objekt passerer igennem. En overgang mellem en tilstand til en anden tilstand sker på grund af en eller anden udløst hændelse. At tegne et tilstandsdiagram indUML, skal man identificere alle mulige til...
一文渎懂统一建模语言状态图 (State Diagram or State Machine Diagram),状态图被用于在时间有限的实例来表示该系统或该系统的一部分的状态。它是一个
Create a UML Diagram What is a state diagram in UML? A state machine is any device that stores the status of an object at a given time and can change status or cause other actions based on the input it receives. States refer to the different combinations of information that an object ca...
UML基础: 第 6 部分 - 狀態圖 (State Machine Diagram),圖本身的名稱闡明了圖表的目的和其他細節。它描述了系統中組件的不同狀
State Machine Diagrams A state machine diagram models the behaviour of a single object, specifying the sequence of events that an object goes through during its lifetime in response to events. As an example, the following state machine diagram shows the states that a door goes through during it...
The behavior of an entity is not only a direct consequence of its input, but it also depends on its preceding state. The history of an entity can best be modeled by a finite state diagram.
In UML modeling, a state machine is a specification of the dynamic behavior of individual class objects, use cases, and entire systems. With the exception of operations, when you create a state machine, the object that you attach the state machine to bec
寻找在线状态机图工具?只需单击下面的“绘制”按钮即可在线创建状态机图。Visual Paradigm Online是免费*且直观的。在开始之前,您还可以通过此State Machine Diagram教程了解State Machine Diagram。 现在画画 状态机图表符号 (State Diagram Notations) 状态