Code Redundancy Problem: The hardest part of creating a State Machine is to differentiate between possible states in the state diagram. For example, in the Coke Machine state diagram (Fig.4), we could have had 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 cent states rather than havi...
Eye-catching State Machine Diagram template: Heater State Machine Diagram. Great starting point for your next campaign. Its designer-crafted, professionally designed and helps you stand out.
UML状态机图(UML State Machine Diagram)(有时被称为 状态图(state diagram), 状态机(stae machine) 或 状态图(state chart))展示了一个实体的不同的状态。状态机图同样也可以展示一个实体如何通过从一个状态到另一个状态的改变来相应各种各样的事件。 Why State Machine Diagrams(为什么是状态机图)? State ...
一文渎懂统一建模语言状态图 (State Diagram or State Machine Diagram),状态图被用于在时间有限的实例来表示该系统或该系统的一部分的状态。它是一个
A sequence diagram describes the events for a single interaction across all objects involved 一个时序图描述了一次单一的交互相关联的所有的对象的事件 译者注: 状态机图以对象为中心,时序图以交互为中心 Basic Concepts of State Machine Diagram(状态机图的基本概念) ...
python automata state-management fsm state-machine state-machine-diagram state finite-state-machine statemachine fsm-library state-machine-dsl Updated Jul 25, 2023 Python soypat / go-maquina Sponsor Star 42 Code Issues Pull requests Small finite-state machine library for Go go golang graphviz...
转换(Transitions):状态之间在某个事件或条件驱动下的切换过程。用状态之间带文字描述的有向箭头线标识,根据外部、内部、进入、退出转换的区别而不同。 - 状态转换五要素 - 初态:转换前的状态 - 触发事件:转换的触发条件 - 警备条件(Guard Condition):布尔表达式,决定是否激活转换。不是所有的事件都会引起状态的转...
The behavior of an entity is not only a direct consequence of its input, but it also depends on its preceding state. The history of an entity can best be modeled by a finite state diagram.
programming-languagedistributed-systemsstate-machineroboticsasynchronoussystematic-testingevent-drivenmodel-checkingformal-methodspformal-verification UpdatedDec 2, 2024 C# awslabs/diagram-maker Star2.4k Code Issues Pull requests A library to display an interactive editor for any graph-like data. ...
UML建模之状态机图State Machine Diagram.doc,UML建模之状态机图(State Machine Diagram) TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 一、状态图简介(Brief introduction) 2 二、状态图元素(State Diagram Elements) 3 1、状态(States) 3 2、转移(Transitions) 3 3、动作(State Actions