A state machine diagram models the behaviour of a single object, specifying the sequence of events that an object goes through during its lifetime in response to events. As an example, the following state machine diagram shows the states that a door goes through during its lifetime. The door...
简介 状态图主要用于描述对象在其生命周期中各种状态、状态之间的转换过程、触发状态转换的各种事件(条件)及执行的动作。 状态图构建步骤 - 找出适合用状态图描述的类、确定类中需要做状态图的重要对象 - 确定重要对象的主要状态、状态之间的转换事件、条件、动作、初次态等 - 细化状态之间的复杂转换和详细事件 - 精...
State diagram examples Calendar availability state diagram example This state machine diagram example shows the process by which a person sets an appointment on their calendar. In the “Check date” composite state, the system checks the calendar for availability in a few different substates. If the...
Eye-catching State Machine Diagram template: State Machine Diagram Symbols. Great starting point for your next campaign. Its designer-crafted, professionally designed and helps you stand out.
Problem: The hardest part of creating a State Machine is to differentiate between possible states in the state diagram. For example, in the Coke Machine state diagram (Fig.4), we could have had 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 cent states rather than having a “wait ...
机(StateMachineDiagram),重点在与描述状态图的控制流。 如下图例子,状态机描述了门对象的生存期间的状态序列,引起转移的事件,以及因状态转 移而伴随的动作(Action). 状态有Opened、Closed、Locked。 事件有Open、Close、Lock和Unlock。 注意: 1、并不是所有的事件都会引起状态的转移,比如当门是处于【Opened】状态,...
State Machine Diagram In State Machines the vertices represent states of an object in a class and edges represent occurrences of events. The additional notations capture how activities are coordinated. Objects have behaviors and states. The state of an object depends on its current activity or condi...
【UML建模】状态图(State Machine Diagram) 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38249409/article/details/129958468 1.概述 状态图,又称为状态机图,是一种用于描述对象的生命周期和状态转换的UML图示,它是一种行为图,用于描述对象的状态和状态之间的转换。这里的对象大多数情况是指的类生成的对象,但是有时候也会...
UML基础: 第 6 部分 - 狀態圖 (State Machine Diagram),圖本身的名稱闡明了圖表的目的和其他細節。它描述了系統中組件的不同狀
UML state machine diagrams depict the various states that an object may be in and the transitions between those states. Also called a state-transition diagram.