PROPID_MGMT_QUEUE_EOD_SOURCE_INFO ITravelEntry Constants Structures Structures MSMQMessage.SourceMachineGuid IBrowserService Macros Macros MSMQMessage.AuthenticationProviderName Using Server Core for Windows Server 2012 (Windows) Fonts (Windows) Update your site to web standards (Internet Explorer) LinkItems...
(UE) is estimated to equal zero bytes of data and if a last buffer status report received from the UE indicated the queue state to be greater than zero bytes of data, sending a control message granting uplink resources to the UE if the first timer expires, and determining the queue ...
KeInitializeTimer function KeInitializeTimerEx function KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue function KeInsertDeviceQueue function KeInsertQueueDpc function KeIpiGenericCall function KeIsExecutingDpc function KeLeaveCriticalRegion function KeLeaveGuardedRegion function KeLowerIrql function KeMemoryBarrier function KeQueryAct... LocalQueueManager Data Element 3.1.2 Timers 3.1.3 Initialization 3.1.4 Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules 3.1.5 Timer Events 3.1.6 Other Local Events 3.2 dscomm Client Details 3.3 dscomm2 Server Details 3.4 dscomm2 Client Details 4 Protocol Examples 5 Security 6 Appen...
06/20/2023 1 contributor Feedback The INVALID_IO_BOOST_STATE bug check has a value of 0x0000013C. This indicates that a thread exited with an invalid I/O boost state. This should be zero when a thread exits. Important This article is for programmers. If you're a customer who has rec...
The INVALID_FLOATING_POINT_STATE bug check has a value of 0x000000E7. This indicates that a thread's saved floating-point state is invalid.
例如,在网络驱动中,通常接口(Interface)每接收一个报文,就发出一个中断。而对于高速网络,每秒就能接收几千个报文,在这样的负载下,系统性能会受到极大的损害。为了提高系统性能,内核开发者已经为网络子系统开发了一种可选的基于查询的接口NAPI(代表new API)。当系统拥有一个高流量的高速接口时,系统通常会收集足够多的...
例如,在网络驱动中,通常接口(Interface)每接收一个报文,就发出一个中断。而对于高速网络,每秒就能接收几千个报文,在这样的负载下,系统性能会受到极大的损害。为了提高系统性能,内核开发者已经为网络子系统开发了一种可选的基于查询的接口NAPI(代表new API)。当系统拥有一个高流量的高速接口时,系统通常会收集足够多的...
这篇文章适合程序员阅读。 如果您是在使用计算机时收到蓝屏错误代码的客户,请参阅蓝屏错误疑难解答。 WORKER_THREAD_INVALID_STATE 错误检查的值为 0x000001D2。 此错误表示执行工作线程处于无效状态。 WORKER_THREAD_INVALID_STATE 参数 参数说明 1故障类型 ...