Australian Library and Information AssociationIncite
Topic modelling was performed utilizing the Python librarypyLDAvis(Sievert and Shirley2014). Building upon the Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm, topic modelling produced a topic representation of theresearch areascorpus’ textual fields, which characterizes latent topics based on relevantresearch areaskeyw...
To provide deeper insights into the research field of social commerce, we conduct a structured literature review. It aims to help the researchers and practitioners alike to make sense of the accumulated knowledge concerning this field (Webster and Watson2002). Based on the growing number of publica...
Perseus Digital Library Physical Education Index Population Index Project MUSE ProQuest New Platform UIllinois Press PROLA Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS) Public Policy Institute of California PubMed Rabbithole EMS - Rooms.lib Reading Teacher Researcher ID RIA Checkpoint Tax Roper Center for Pu...
The article reports that a Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA) degree is being offered at the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at San Jos茅 State University, California. Th...
library resourcesI THE PROBLEM OF DEFINING THE STATE A state is a form of political association, and...Kukathas, ChandranUniversity of Queensland PressUniversity of Queensland Law JournalKukathas, Chandran. "A Definition of th...