State court judges are typically appointed or elected to their positions, depending on the specific provisions of the state's constitution and laws. Judicial selection methods vary widely among states and can include gubernatorial appointment, legislative election, merit selection, and popular election....
Forum on Judges: Elect or Appoint? State Bar to Make RecommendationWhether Florida trial judges should be elected or appointed by the governor and retained on a merit selection system will be up to voters on a county-by-county basis this fall.Wakefield, Vivian...
Whether judges are elected or appointed and how a state’s court system is structured are determined by either the state constitution or the legislature. Most states follow the elective system and limit the term of office to four, six, or some other number of years. The courts in all the ...
He controlled alljudges by controlling their salaries. Appointed judges can face similar biasesif they are appointed. However, if they are educated in both law and thelaws of freedom as presented by the founding fathers in the Declaration ofIndependence, such biases should be very limited by ...
The Thicket at State Legislatures
It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.出自-2015年考研阅读原文 He has failed to understand that monarchies have largely survived because they provide a service – as non-controversial and non-political heads of state.出自-2015...
positions, appointed members of representative assemblies, and advisory committees to see how many members of the democratic camp have had opportunities for training. 各位新聞界的朋友,麻煩你們調查一下,在所有政府公職、所有委任議 員、所有的諮詢委員會中,民主派有多少人曾獲機會鍛鍊呢?
The Law on the Constitutional Court of the RSFSR (within the USSR) was signed by President Yeltsin, who had been elected President of the RSFSR, on 12 June 1991. The USSR collapsed in December 1991. The Court started work in January 1992, almost immediately after the collapse of the USSR...
The General Assembly appoints Supreme Court judges.[3] Local governments are divided into 99 counties, which are codified as part of the state constitution and can only be changed by an amendment. A board of supervisors governs counties and has elected auditors, county sheriffs, recorders, other...
Judges are appointed by the governor. However, to retain their positions, they must face an election following their appointment, and in Baltimore, circuit court judges must compete against any opposing candidates. Appeals judges are elected to 10-year terms, while circuit judges serve 15-year ...