CDMA SID 如果 #UNKNOWN_ID 無法使用,則為 。 屬性 RegisterAttribute 備註 取得CDMA SID (系統識別符),這是可唯一識別無線系統的數位。 (3GPP2 C.S0023 3.4.8) 至少android.Manifest.permission#ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 需要 或 android.Manifest.permission#ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION。 否則,傳回 #UNKNOWN_ID。 的...
CdmaNetworkId Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Android.Telephony Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Get the CDMA NID (Network Identification Number), a number uniquely identifying a network within a wireless system. C# Kopéieren public virtual int CdmaNetworkId { [Android.Runtime....
<Number> Default: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY. Returns: <Location[]> Sorted by city name ascendant. Examples: locationTimezone.findLocationsByCoordinates({ latitudeFrom: 5, latitudeTo: 8, longitudeFrom: 0, longitudeTo: 1, }); /* [ { city: 'Ho', cityAscii: 'Ho', country: { name: 'Ghana...
プロパティ値 Description DisplayName FormatName Text IsLocalizable False IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName organizationidname MaxLength 100 RequiredLevel SystemRequired Type StringVersionNumber追加元 : Active Solution ソリューションテ...
PhoneNumberUtils PhoneState PhoneStateListener PhoneStateListener 建構函式 欄位 屬性 方法 OnActiveDataSubscriptionIdChanged OnBarringInfoChanged OnCallDisconnectCauseChanged OnCallForwardingIndicatorChanged OnCallStateChanged OnCellInfoChanged OnCellLocationChanged ...
The sample assigns a restoration ID for each view controller in the storyboard file. This information is available by selecting the view controller and looking at the Identity Inspector. The Storyboard ID for that view controller is usually the same as the Restoration ID. ...
self) { selectedProduct = } } Test State Restoration This sample restores the following user interface: Detail View Controller — Tap a product in the collection view to open its detail information. The app restores the selected product and selected tab. Detail View ...
Choose your location and language. Continue Close previous menu Open Search Layer Search close menu Log-In/Sign-Up Why Create a Samsung Account? Open My Menu Why Create a Samsung Account? Shop Shop Offers All Offers Mobile Offers Television Offers Refrigerator Offers Washing ...
The trade-off for the somewhat wasteful use of network resources is that there is no central state server and you don't incur the complexity penalty that an election pattern carries with it. In some situations, especially when the number of nodes is known to never grow above a certain size...
iPhone 简介 Head-to-head matchups for all of the NC State football games. Link to live radio, get scores, schedules, rosters, tv channels, and stats. NC State Football App provides scores, links to live radio, schedules, tv channels, player profiles, and game matchups in one location. ...