Welcome to the website of State Representative Senfronia Thompson, a representative of District 141 in Texas state. During the 84th Legislative Session, there were 6,276 House and Senate bills filed. September 1, 2015, marks the day that many of these bi
Please never hesitate to contact me for any reason. Phone:617-722-2263 Email:dave.rogers@mahouse.gov Mail:State House Room 473B, Boston, MA 02133 Twitter Tweets by @RepDaveRogers Subscribe to my monthly email newsletter *indicates required ...
I'm running for re-election to continue being your State Representative for House District 16, which covers the Town of Jackson.
Georgia State House Representative District 109It takes a very special personality to be able to lead, motivate people into action, and to be a catalyst for the type of change that helps to make the world a better place, and Dewey McClain has just that type of personality. Relatable, ...
Discover where he stands on the issues you care about and hisbiography. Learn more Twitter Feed Twitter feed is not available at the moment.
@State Representative Tony Tinderholt 3 weeks ago 4 3 0 Tonight at midnight is the beginnning of the fundraising moratorium for the 89th legislative session. I've never looked forward more to a session. We are reforming the Texas House and reaching a time where the conservative policy change...
About Contact Issues ContributePaid for by John Carmichael for State Representative, Cheryl Carmichael, Treasurer
Representative Danny Burgess for State House, District 38 and Congressman Gus Bilirakis held a joint rally at Sunrise Eatery in Zephyrhills, Florida as their campaigns both wound down heading twords Election day.
A full South Carolina General Assembly that looks much different than it did just a few months ago was back at work, briefly, on Wednesday at the State House. State Politics Embattled state representative shows up for SC House session Updated: Dec. 4, 2024 at 12:32 PM GMT+8| By Mary...
MA State Representative Angelo J. Puppolo Jr's District website -- Serving the people of Springfield, Wilbraham and East Longmeadow