通过一个 BiLSTM 将系统和用户的文本连接起来,并得到最终的隐藏层状态表征hft; BiLSTM 得到的表征使用一个分类器。这里使用分类器的最主要原因是,针对某个具体的 slot,有可能是用户根本就未曾提供该信息(对应nonpointable),也有可能是用户并不关心该 slot 的值(对应dontcare)等等,针对这些情况,显然是无需也不必在...
J. Mol. Graph. Model. 17, 176–179 (1999). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Kokalj, A. Computer graphics and graphical user interfaces as tools in simulations of matter at the atomic scale. Comp. Mater. Sci. 28, 155–168 (2003). Article CAS Google Scholar Das, I. et al. ...
It mainly includes convolutional neural networks12, recurrent neural networks13, generative adversarial networks14, graph convolutional networks15, and other machine learning models. The machine learning method regards the event extraction task as a classification problem, focusing on classifier construction ...
Graph theoryGeomorphic change•Review of state-and-transition models (STM) in geomorphology.•STMs well suited to complex systems & biogeomorphology, but utility is broader.•STMs represent observations; no evidence of efforts to fit predefined theories.•STM complexity related to number of ...
Stress measurement from wearable photoplethysmographic sensor using heart rate variability data. In: 2016 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). IEEE; 2016. p. 1141–4. Oskooei A, Chau SM, Weiss J, Sridhar A, Martínez MR, Michel B. Destress: deep learning ...
ACM Trans Graph 40:1–17 Article Google Scholar Lahiri A, Kwatra V, Frueh C, Lewis J, Bregler C (2021) LipSync3D: data-efficient learning of personalized 3D talking faces from video using pose and lighting normalization. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and ...
stm[State Machine] state machine name [diagram name] The diagram kind for a state machine diagram isstm, and the model element type is alwaysState Machine. Because of this, the model element kind in square brackets is usually elided.
A KG is a directed graph (G), whereG=(V,E). This notation depicts the relationship between entities, as well as the interactions between these entities, in terms of graph vertices (V) and edges (E) connecting these vertices. The edges reflect relationships between real-world things whereas...
How do i draw points or plot points on ZedGraph control ? How do I eliminate the "Naming rule violation" feature? How do i enable/disable a checkbox in a checklistbox? How do I export an enum from my dll? How do i Extract an icon from a dll (ExtractIcon - Shell32.dll) How do...
1), we obtained a final distorted structure in which both the Ir atoms and the top/bottom Te atoms are fully dimerized (Fig. 1f). The resulting lattice parameters (a = 6.39 Å, b = 4.01 Å, γ = 83°) reasonably match the values obtained from the STM topograph (...