Sideig A. DowiAmar Ibrahim Hamza电力能源(英文)Sideig A. Dowi,and Amar Ibrahim Hamza, "Dynamic State Forecasting in Electric Power Networks", Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 1-11, 2014.
Sideig A. DowiAmar Ibrahim HamzaJournal of Power & Energy EngineeringSideig A. Dowi,and Amar Ibrahim Hamza, "Dynamic State Forecasting in Electric Power Networks", Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 1-11, 2014.
IEEE Trans Power Syst 13(4):1331–1336 Article Google Scholar Hassanzadeh M, Evrenosoğlu CY (2012) Power system state forecasting using regression analysis. In: IEEE, pp 1–6 Da Silva AL, Do Coutto Filho MB, De Queiroz JF (1983) State forecasting in electric power systems. IET ...
Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to improve the accuracy of short time load forecasting to ensure the economical and safe operation of power systems. The traditional neural network applied in time series like load forecasting, easily plunges into local optimum and has a complicated learning...
[Energy Systems] Handbook of Power Systems II || State-of-the-Art of Electricity Price Forecasting in a Grid Environment The purpose of electricity price forecasting is to estimate future electricity prices, particularly locational marginal prices (LMP), with consideration to... S Rebennack,PM Par...
With the fast growth of developing smart grid technology in the last several years, traditional state estimation methods have proven insufficient for the real-time and precise study of emerging complex power systems. The state assessment of electric grid depending on deep learning and other related ...
Forecasting the State of Health of Electric Vehicle Batteries to Evaluate the Viability of Car Sharing Practices Car-sharing practices are introducing electric vehicles (EVs) into their fleet. However, the literature suggests that at this point shared EV systems are failing to reach satisfactory commer...
Wind power forecasting (WPF) is frequently identified as an important tool to address the variability and uncertainty in wind power and to more efficiently operate power systems with large wind power penetrations. Moreover, in a market environment, the wind power contribution to the generation ...
An inertia forecasting system would be a very valuable element in the control room to assess primary frequency control needs. Although there are some commercial applications, a lack in knowledge of the professional staff is the challenge; some of the more related engineers are improving their ...
Electric power systemsPurpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to improve the accuracy of short time load forecasting to ensure the economical and safe operation of power systems. The traditional neural network applied in time series like load forecasting, easily plunges into local optimum and has...