Origin of name: In honor of the Duke of York Motto:“Excelsior” (English: Ever upward) Slogan: "I Love New York" State symbols: Animal Beaver (1975) Fish Brook trout (1975) Gem Garnet (1969) Flower Rose (1955) Tree Sugar maple (1956) Bird Bluebird (1970) Insect Ladybug (1989) ...
New Jersey Abbr.NJorN.J. A state of the east-central United States on the Atlantic Ocean. One of the original Thirteen Colonies, it was settled by Dutch and Swedish colonists in the 1620s and 1630s, was ceded to the English as part of New Netherland in 1664, and became a royal provi...
Soon after the fair ended, the National Floral Emblem Society was created, and each state endeavored to pick one flower to stand for it. Many chose the flower used for the exhibit at the fair, but for others, it was a tough choice. Some thought it should be a native flower; others we...
Idaho Resident's Name Idahoan Illinois Resident's Name Illinoisan, Illinoisian, Illinoian, Sucker, Sand-hiller, Egyptian Indiana Resident's Name Indianian, Indianans, Hoosier Iowa Resident's Name Iowan Kansas Resident's Name Kansan, Sunflower, Grasshopper Kentucky Resident's Name Kentuckian, Cor...
Anthem:"I'm from New Jersey" by Red Mascara State symbols Flower: Violet (Viola sororia) Tree: Red Oak (Quercus rubra) Animal: Horse (Equus ferus caballus) Bird: Eastern Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) Fish: Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) ...
1965 - The colors: Buff and Jersey Blue are designated as New Jersey State Colors 1972 - The Common meadow violet was selected as New Jersey State Flower 1974 - The Honey bee becomes New Jersey State Bug 1977 - New Jersey voters approved legislation allowing legalized casino gambling in Atlant...
New York New York State Information Official Name:State of New York Capital:Albany Organized as a territory:1624 Entered Union (rank):July 26, 1788 (11th state) Present constitution adopted:1777 State abbreviation/Postal code:N.Y./NY State Area Code:718...
What is the state flower of New Jersey?New Jersey:New Jersey is one of the Mid-Atlantic states, located on the Eastern coast along the Atlantic Ocean. A small state, New Jersey is 47th out of the 50 states when ranked for size. The capital of New Jersey is Trenton, and its largest ...
New Jersey Violet Viola sororia New Mexico Yucca flower Yucca glauca New York Rose Rosa North Carolina American Dogwood Cornus florida North Dakota Wild Prairie Rose Rosa arkansana Ohio Scarlet Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus Oklahoma Oklahoma Rose Rosa odorata Oregon Oregon Grape Berberis aquifolium Pennsy...
US State Graphic OrganizerFor one US state, write the name of the state, draw a map of the state, then write the state capital, postal abbreviation, date of statehood, state bird (draw and write), state flower (draw and write), a major body of water in the state, two bordering sta...