Each state and federal district of the United States has a different required fee for the formation and creation of a business entity. During your sign-up Business Formation will collect this fee and remit the fee to the state. Select a state below to learn about the local filing fees, for...
Want to know the cost for filing an LLC or Corporation in any state? View LLC filing costs state-by-state here.
By clicking the state name, you can also see filing fees, submission methods and contact information for the state agency. Annual Report Due Dates Annual Report Due Dates StateCorporationLLC Alabama Corp and S corporation: Mar. 15th. Due 2 1/2 months after tax ending period No annual report...
Ongoing LLC Filing Fees (Annual/Biennial Reports) LLC Cost by State (as of 2024): LLC Cost FAQs Do LLCs pay taxes? Do I have to pay LLC fees every year? Is it possible to set up an LLC for free? How do you avoid LLC fees? Which state is the cheapest to open an LLC? What ...
Search online court records from superior courts, justice courts, circuit courts, and other US State Courts for free. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of state court cases by name, case number, part
$119 + state filing fees Start my annual report Creation of your personalized annual report Hassle-free filing of your paperwork directly with the state Delivery of your filing to you by mail and digitally High-priority status to ensure your paperwork is expedited so you’re in compliance as ...
Most states require annual report filings to keep your business status current. Find the latest state-wide filing tips and deadlines here.
These penalties vary by state, the type of business, and even the length of the delay. Based on regulations, the business can face the following penalties for failing to file an annual report: Late fees, which can vary based on the type of business and length of delay Negative impact on...
Tip: Many business formation companies, such as Inc Authority, will obtain a state tax ID number for free for businesses that use their LLC formation services (also a free service, but you must pay state filing fees). Others will help you cut through the confusion and easily obtain this nu...
Filing fees for annual reports vary widely by state. The cost of our annual report service is 119. Can I file my annual report myself instead of using ZenBusiness? Yes, you can file your annual report directly with the state. However, ZenBusiness can assist you with the process. What ...