We have moreNew Yorkercartoonists augmenting their income through advertising, including (once again)Rea Irvinfor Knox Hatters… …Raeburn Van Burenfor G. Washington’s instant coffee (also a client ofHelen Hokinson’s)… …andHelen Hokinsonfor Frigidaire… …and on to cartoons for Dec. 21, ...
Austin Theory is now (pun intended) calling himself "The Now." As you can see in the above photo and video, below. The Arlington High School graduates tell Hudson Valley Post they have had "The Now" trademarked since 2006 and are "now" trying to get WWE to stop using their intellectua...
Since Stein had never seen the opera performed, writer and photographerCarl Van Vechtenconvinced Stein and Toklas to fly on an airplane for the first time in order to be able to see the play in Chicago. FLIGHT INSURANCE…Stein and Toklas were anxious about flying, so Van Vechten gave each ...
•WA-Sen: Clint Didier, apparently aware of the stink lines of rank hypocrisy radiating off him, said that he’s swearing off farm subsidies in the future. (Seeing as how it made him look like the worst possible caricature of the teabaggers’ mantra of “I hate the gub’ment! Except...
he declared that Soviet cinema should only satisfy “the basic demands of the proletarian collective farm mass viewer.” Remarkably, Komarov and the actors Sudakevich and Ilyinsky would survive the years of Stalinist terror that would follow, even living to old age. (IMDB/transmediale.de/Face...