state farm车险运营模式研究 State Farm 车联网产品有两个, 一是Drive Safe & Save项目:通过车载设备(蓝牙信标或Onstar的OBD)和手机记录里程数和驾驶行为,从而确定保费折扣。主要依靠官网为主,邮件+代理人为辅的渠道推广和服务; 二是Steer Clear(培养安全驾驶的25岁以下年轻人)项目:通过安全驾驶培训和父母监督驾驶...
福特和State Farm(美国著名的保险公司) 合作推出了一项类似于特斯拉的保险计划,名为Drive Safe&Save Connected Car。该保险计划适用于某些拥有联网功能的福特或林肯汽车的客户。 和特斯拉的保险定价方式类似,福特的保险计划根据车辆的行驶里程和驾驶员的驾驶行为调整保费。该计划的首批推广区域为阿拉斯加州、爱达荷州、蒙大...
点击这里查看更多信息TDI Academy- 数字时代的学习 TDI的InsurTech目录全球InsurTech数据库 点击这里查看更多信息TDI Academy- 数字时代的学习 物联网与远程信息处理新闻台 覆盖率17/02/22 State Farm 推出 Drive Safe & Save 联网汽车 阅读帖子
What are State Farm Drive Safe and Save grades? What are State Farm good driver discounts? How does Drive Safe and Save work? What does State Farm Drive Safe and Save record? How is the information used? Discounts State Farm Offers Am I eligible for State Farm Drive Safe and Save? How...
美国最大车险公司State Farm自2011年起进军UBI市场。State Farm是美国最大的互助保险公司,1922年成立以来,个人车险一直是其主营业务,投保覆盖全美超过1/5车辆。2011年起,公司与车联网厂商Hughes Telematics合作开展基于驾驶数据的保费折扣模式,取名DriveSafe & Save (DSS),随后将该模式推广到20余个州。 背景:商业车险...
美国最大车险公司State Farm自2011年起进军UBI市场。State Farm是美国最大的互助保险公司,1922年成立以来,个人车险一直是其主营业务,投保覆盖全美超过1/5车辆。2011年起,公司与车联网厂商Hughes Telematics合作开展基于驾驶数据的保费折扣模式,取名DriveSafe & Save (DSS),随后将该模式推广到20余个州。
UBI车险海外案例简析:State Farm 3月20日,保监会发布《深化商业车险条款费率管理制度改革试点工作方案》,宣布自4月1日起推出改革试点方案,并选定黑龙江、山东、青岛、广西、陕西、重庆6地为改革试点地区。 方案规定:财险公司可自主确定商业车险条款,在基准纯风险保费的基础上自主测算附加费用率。我们认为,UBI车险可实现...
Drive Safe & Save® is on the move! • We’re moving all the great features of our safe driving discount program — Drive Safe & Save — into the State Farm app. • If you’re enrolled in the program, we’ll email the first person listed on your auto policies when it’s time...
A new device can help you save money on your car insurance, provided you’re a safe driver. 2017 marks the first full year that Missouri drivers can qualify for the “Drive Safe and Sound” program offered by State Farm insurance.
State Farm Drive Safe and Save app not working on iPhone I've seen several threads about this subject and I just wanted to add my two cents. I've had to replace my beacons several times over the past couple of years when they started working sporadically and then stopped working entirely...