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DriveTrack: A Benchmark for Long-Range Point Tracking in Real-World Videos, Arjun Balasingam (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) · Joseph Chandler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) · Chenning Li (None) · Zhoutong Zhang (Adobe Systems) · Hari Balakrishnan (Massachusetts Institute of Te...
N. Modulation depth estimation and variable selection in state-space models for neural interfaces. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 62, 570–581 (2015). MATH Google Scholar Pandarinath, C. et al. Neural population dynamics in human motor cortex during movements in people with ALS. eLife 4, e07...
With modified plans, thorough services, and a pledge to quality, proficient gardeners can assist you with making an open-air space that mirrors your style and improves your property’s estimation. Embrace the valuable chance to lift your current circumstance and partake in the bunch advantages of...
Resting-state networks are spatially distributed, functionally connected brain regions. Studying these networks gives us information about the large-scale functional organization of the brain and alternations in these networks are considered to play a ro
Mathematics was used as part of the study of rocks and minerals, especially rock patterns, estimation of size and classifications. Science and mathematics becomes a continuum, and integration is argued to help create a balance between both disciplines as activities were shaped by the context while ...
Mathematics was used as part of the study of rocks and minerals, especially rock patterns, estimation of size and classifications. Science and mathematics becomes a continuum, and integration is argued to help create a balance between both disciplines as activities were shaped by the context while ...
White noted that smaller venues like the Knickerbocker, with their own distinct character and clientele, were falling victim to big theater-owning corporations that introduced more homogeneity into the play-going scene. In White’s estimation just two old-timers remained: ...
generate synthetic data with some parameter valuesθ∗from the estimation, 2. train the model with those data, 3. evaluate whether the model estimates consistently the same parameter valuesθ∗. This could be done for different choices ofθ∗. ...
Table 3. Contribution of citizen science in hydrology through social media. ReferenceLocationType of dataApplication Boursicaud et al. (2016) France Video of a flash flood event shared via social media (YouTube) Estimation of water level, surface flow velocities and discharges Le Coz et al. (...