“The wide availability of weapons, the use and trade of illicit drugs, and a weak criminal justice system contribute to the high level of criminality on the broader scale,” the advisory reads. The advisory is not a warning to avoid travel to the Dominican Republic—only the State Departmen...
DETROIT (WWJ)- The U. S. State Department has issued a travel advisory for Japan after the earthquake and tsunami. Consul General of Japan in Detroit, Kuni Matsuda says more than half of the main island has been affected by the disaster. "Unless you have a really, emergency business to ...
State Department issues travel advisory to Mexico ByJULIA JACOBO Thursday, December 19, 2019The U.S. Department of State has issued a travel advisory to Mexico because of an increased risk of violent crime in some parts of the country. Violent crime, such as homicides, kidnappings, ...
State Department raises travel advisory for Australia amid fires A new level 2 warning means any American traveling to Australia is urged to postpone their trip if they're coming to an area affected by the wildfires. January 9, 2020 Additional Live Streams ...
The State Department is trying to make it easier for U.S. travelers to understand and access security information about their travel destinations with the rollout of a new travel advisory program. The new system, which largely replaces the department's travel warnings and advisories, assigns a ...
TheU.S. Department of Statehasupdated its travel advisory ratingforCubafrom “Level 3: Reconsider Travel” to “Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution.” The move is welcomed by a coalition of U.S. tour operators and organizations that have advocated for a change to Cuba’s travel adv...
The State Department on Wednesday downgraded its travel advisory for China, shortly after the White House announced it had secured the release of three Americans as part of a prisoner swap with Beijing. The travel advisory was updated to a Level 2 “exer
The State Department has also issued a travel warning for Greece. “Current threat level of terrorist acts in this area is expected to continue,” says the advisory, first issued in February. The advisory notes that there have been more than a dozen attacks in the Eastern Mediterranean region...
The State Department has overhauled its system for issuing travel advisories to make them easier to understandDavid Slotnick
Embassy website:http://iraq.usembassy.gov/ TRAVEL AND BUSINESS INFORMATION The U.S. Department of State's Consular Information Program advises Americans traveling and residing abroad through Consular Information Sheets, Public Announcements, and Travel Warnings.Consular Information Sheetsexist for all cou...