The article explores the impact of state managed care regulations to the ability of the health insurers to define and apply medical necessity in the U.S. It highlights and empirical study which aims to assess the effect of state managed care patient protection laws particularly to bariatric ...
Our survey of medical workers confirmed the reality and urgency of this problem. The absence of normative vocabularies of the professional medical Russian sub-language complicates physicians' and teachers' professional activities; negatively affects their communication with each other and with patients/...
In such cases, one would need to obtain a medical exemption. This often involves providing doctors notes to validate the health condition, demonstrating the necessity of the darker tints. Even though window tint laws vary across states, most jurisdictions recognize the need to accommodate these ...
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LYNFIELD:State epidemiologistand medical 14 director at the Minnesota Department of Health. More Definitions ofState epidemiologist State epidemiologistmeans the person designated bythe Commissioneras theperson in chargeof communicabledisease controlfor the state. ...
Our findings suggest that the prevalence of mental health disorders is even higher than previously estimated, which may be attributable to several factors such as study design, study population, mental health disorders definitions, and other unobservable reasons. Our analysis included claims of all ...
as a result of the quick improvement of new technologies and the necessity of hosting online and virtual classes. It is also believed that technology tools are accessible and affordable for the younger generation. Therefore, in order to use technological tools and platforms for language instruction,...
medical policies and related guidelines at the time the services are provided. • Not listed in Exclusions Section. • Received while a member is enrolled in the plan. • Consistent with applicable state or federal law. We review medical necessity in accordance with our medical policies and...
KGs are receiving a lot of attention from researchers who are involved in the drug development studies. The necessity to construct specific KG for the drug sector has several key motivating factors [46]; prescribing a particular drug to treat a certain disease might involve some non-medical facto...
in this review but not to full extent, since we focused on the evaluation target measures and results rather than their methods. Additionally, some studies might have been included by more than one of the inspected reviews. Definitions and perceptions of VR have changed over time [95], making...