New York State Comptroller Report Finds State Spending DownSolnik, Claude
纽约州审计长(New York State Comptroller) 迪纳波利(Thomas DiNapoli)发布的报告显示,2012年年初以来,华尔街公司已裁员…|基于6个网页 3. 纽约州审计处 据纽约州审计处(New York State Comptroller)上月发布报告指出,纽约证券业员工去年现金分红成长17%,达203亿美元。 … ...
“我办公室这里,hold着超过170亿美元无人认领的资金以及财物,3000万人有钱落在我这里没来领。”说这话的是纽约州第54任审计长Thomas P. DiNapoli,而他指的办公室纽约州审计局(New York State Comptroller's Office)。 (图片来自ABC,版权属于原作者) 这是大实话,每年都有无数无人认领的资产被提交到纽约州审计...
纽约州审计长办公室(New York State Comptroller's Office)19日表示,2023年华尔街银行家的平均奖金为17.65万美元,比上年下降2%,是2019年以来的最低水平。2023年的奖金总额为338亿美元,与前一年持平。2022年,银行家们获得的平均奖金为18万美元,低于2021年的24.04万美元和2020年的21.37万美元。2019年平均奖金为16.69...
“We are proud to provide $35 million in public funding to Ponce Bank to improve community banking in the Soundview, Parkchester and Castle Hill neighborhoods of the Bronx,” New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said. “This is a smart, sound investment to ensure more financial ser...
While New York City remains one of the world's largest metropolitan areas, a number of people have left in recent years. According to theNew York State Comptroller, nearly three-quarters of New York's population growth from the last decade left the city during COVID. ...
While New York City remains one of the world's largest metropolitan areas, a number of people have left in recent years. According to theNew York State Comptroller, nearly three-quarters of New York's population growth from the last decade left the city during COVID. ...
NEW YORK -- According to a new report by the New York state comptroller, the MTA is short a lot of money. CBS2's Natalie Duddridge spoke to the transit system's top official on Tuesday about how could it affect riders. "What we don't need is massive fare...
While New York City remains one of the world's largest metropolitan areas, a number of people have left in recent years. According to theNew York State Comptroller, nearly three-quarters of New York's population growth from the last decade left the city during COVID. ...
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