Includes the land area, internal waters, territorial sea, and airspace of the United States, including the following: a. US territories, possessions, and commonwealths; and b. Other areas over which the US Government has complete jurisdiction and control or has exclusive authority or defense resp...
FAILED_EXECUTE_UDF, FOREACH_BATCH_USER_FUNCTION_ERROR, UDF_USER_CODE_ERRORClass 3D: invalid catalog nameExpand table SQLSTATEDescription and issuing error classes 3D000 invalid catalog name UC_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_PROVIDEDClass 40: transaction rollbackExpand...
Does not apply to school districts under the School Code or park districts. Exemptions: Independent contractors, college students employed part-time by their school, short-term or temp workers at universities, employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 40 hours. Frontloading is permitted. 1...
For example, the ScanState, LoadState, or UsmtUtils tool might return a code of 11 (for USMT_INVALID_PARAMETERS) and a related error message that reads /key and /keyfile both specified. The error message is displayed at the command prompt and is identified in the ScanState, LoadState, ...
The LoadState tool reports an error as return code 71 and a Windows Error 2202 in the log fileCause: The computer name was changed during an offline migration of a local user profile.Resolution: You can use the /mu option when you run the LoadState tool to specify a new name for the...
Canadian Area Codes Spreadsheet Search by State If you would prefer to search area codes by state, just enter the state below. Listed By State Alabama205,251,256,334,659,938 Alaska907 Arizona480,520,602,623,928 Arkansas327,479,501,870 ...
Simplify your area code search. Full area code list and locator. Look up USA area codes by state. An area code directory including detailed city and state guides.
State and Federal Legal resource for AZ, CA, CT, CO, DC, FL, HI, ID, IL, IN, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, ND, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TX, US, UT, VA, WI and WY including Motor Vehicle Laws, Criminal Code, US Code (USC) and many more. ...
This website specializes in U.S. ZIP Codes, in addition to basic mailing information, you can also find the demographic, education, social, economic, housing, health, crime data and other information of the ZIP Code and its area, a comprehensive understa