例如,去年,管理部门把胎儿了纳入“国家儿童健康保险计划(State Children's Health Insurance Program)”医疗保健的范畴。 … genders.sysu.edu.cn|基于15个网页 2. 儿童医疗保险计划 ...予奥巴马一些小小的胜利;他们加速行动,讨论扩大联邦儿童医疗保险计划(State Children's Health Insurance Program)规模… ...
ChildrenAlthough the Medicaid program has traditionally provided health insurance coverage for many low-income children and adolescents with mental health and substance abuse (MH/SA) problems, the new State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) provides a new source of funding for low-income ...
The State Children's Health Insurance Program (sCHIP or CHIP) is a federal insurance program passed in 1997 that covers children from families with low
Children living in poverty are less likely to have health insurance and therefore, have less access to health care than their counterparts with insurance. Lack of health insurance has been associated with poor health outcomes. The State Children's Health Program (SCHIP) was signed into law as ...
Regarding accessibility, Eisert and Gabow [15] found that children in the Denver Child Health Insurance Program have more accessibility to dental services, specialty visits, and immunizations than do uninsured children. Szilagyi et al. [11] found that children under the New York SCHIP changed their...
Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under a new Title XXI of the Social Security Act. SCHIP represents the largest publicly funded effort to provide health insurance to children since the enactment of Medicaid in 1965. The program offers ...
We examined eligibility and enrollment among parents of children in New Jersey's State Children's Health Insurance Program following expansion of parental eligibility for NJ FamilyCare coverage. Data were from the 2003 NJ FamilyCare Family Health Survey (n = 416 families). Parental eligibility was ...
State and federal agencies are concerned with the impact of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) on the health care of enrolled children. As part ora broad program evaluation, and at relatively low cost, analysts can track data on hospital admissions for ambulatory care sensitive...
Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): Provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY2000 Summary On November 19, 1999, the Senate voted to pass theConsolidated Appropriations Act for FY2000(H.R. 3194) that includes by reference theMedicare, ...
Medicaid beneficiaries are often categorized by their eligibility status – financially, categorically, or medically needy. Children eligible for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and aged, blind, disabled (ABD) adults are among the most common Medicaid beneficiaries. 8...