The Multistate Tax alert archive includes external tax alerts issued by Deloitte Tax LLP's Multistate Tax practice during the last four years. These external alerts highlight selected developments involving state tax legislative, judicial, and administrative matters. The alerts provide a brief summ...
before being required to pay the balance due, this is not the case when being audited by the CA FTB. This has the potential of causing financial hardship to a taxpayer who may not have the means to pay the balance due in full and still wants to continue to dispute the FTB’s ...
C/O FTB Notice 2012-01 P.O. Box 1673 Sacramento, CA 95812-1673 The amended return should include a revised Schedule R a computation of the refund amount, and “COMPACT METHOD” should be writtenin redat the top of the amended return. ...
June 27, 2011 State Licenses and Permits – State Business License Offices Search for Business Licenses and Permits State Business License Offices Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Ma...
使用Calfile之前,需要先注册一个账号。如果你是第一次报州税,请注意注册Basic MyFTB账号,因为注册其他两类账号需要提供你以前的加州州税申报信息。 注册完账号后,接下来就由Calfile来陪你一步一步的完成州税申报吧。 如果你不是在加州报税,我也还是建议优先使用各州政府官网的免费在线申报系统,会比直接填纸质表格...