In "My Big Fat Geek Wedding", Homer suggests that Springfield is within a state bordering the Great Lakes; after Skinner tells Homer if he could just speak to Edna for a moment and Homer tells Skinner that he didn't tell him to say that, Skinner asks Homer why is he taking Homer's ...
the western Great Lakes region encountered the Ojibwa name and rendered it asMessipi.The French then took the name with them as they went down the Big River to its delta, and it eventually superseded all the other names for the Big River used by local Indian tribes and by earlier Spanish...
A state of the northern United States bordering on Lake Superior and on Manitoba and Ontario, Canada. It was admitted as the 32nd state in 1858. Explored by the French in the mid-1600s, the area became part of the United States through the Treaty of Paris (1783) and the Louisiana Purc...
US State Graphic OrganizerFor one US state, write the name of the state, draw a map of the state, then write the state capital, postal abbreviation, date of statehood, state bird (draw and write), state flower (draw and write), a major body of water in the state, two bordering sta...
Wiggins (1996) has col lected Agarodes larvae from sand and gravel of Ontario lakes and rivers as well as from cool, sandy springs in the southeastern United States. This genus was also expected from Michigan because it was collected from all other states and provinces bordering the Great ...
As the center of US automobile production, Michigan is one of the most important manufacturing areas in the world. Bordering 4 of the 5 Great Lakes, Michigan has excellent fishing and water sports opportunities. Home to the Henry Ford Museum, Detroit Institute of the Arts, and Detroit Zoo, ...
Find an overview of Ohio geography, topography, geographic land regions, land areas, and major rivers.Access Ohio almanac furnishing more details on the state geography, geographical and land regions, climate and weather, elevation, land areas, bordering states, and other statistical data....
Pin Oaks (Quercus palustris) are an important tree species on the Preserve often bordering some of the most historic carriage roads. Many of the oaks along carriage roads are at or nearing their general life span. The Preserve has mapped the location of the Pin Oaks monitoring and ...
With beaches, boating, and salmon fishing in Michigan City and Gary bordering Lake Michigan, there is more to Indiana than might appear at first glance. The agricultural heartland even has cross country skiing and snowmobiling to go with the Cornball Express. Southwest Indiana near Evansv...
AccessNew York almanac,furnishing more details on the state geography, geographical and land regions, climate and weather, elevation, land areas, bordering states, and other statistical data. The geography of New York is diverse. New York is 330 miles long and 283 miles wide. New York covers ...