The state attorney was, uh, Rebecca Nevins Državna tožilka je bila Rebecca Nevins opensubtitles2 At the time of Marcus Aurelius he was the State Attorney (Advocatus fisci). Zosim je bil dostojanstvenik (comes) in pravni zastopnik cesarske blagajne (advocatus fisci). WikiMatrix...
and a ceremony to mark the murder ofLee Rigbyin Woolwich on Armed Forces Day on 27 June 2015. Following preparations, which took place over a period of months, the prime minister convened a meeting of the National Security Council attended by the attorney generalJeremy Wrightwho advised that ...
William Barr 23 May 1950 US SpookLawyerDeep state operative US deep state actor, US Attorney General Raymond Barre 12 April 1924 25 August 2007 France PoliticianDeep state operative French PM, single Bilderberger José Manuel Barroso 23 March 1956 Portugal Deep state operative Bilderberg Steering com...
to all key roles in his administration, including national security directors, CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Chris Wray, key members of his cabinet including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Attorney General William Barr, Federal Reserve Chairman Jeremy Powell, ambassadors, and Supreme Court...
history with more than 260,000 classified documents having been stolen and disclosed to the online whistle-blowing site, WikiLeaks. Whether these are outliers or direct indicators of what more is to come, the next decade demands that we must be vigilant and prepared for what lies ahead even ...
(Wikimedia Commons/Smithsonian) “Talk” found the new building unimpressive; it seemed to signal that the old political machine was losing some of its luster: EVOLUTION OF THE WIGWAM, as depicted on a poster circa 1920. ( Top left: The old Tammany Hall, decorated for the...
WikiMatrix 對有徵稅爭議的當事人也可以向任何美國聯邦地區法院或美國聯邦索賠法院(英语:United States Court of Federal Claims)提起訴訟;但是這些法院在處理稅務案件時要求先支付稅款,然後當事人告訴提起訴訟以收回有爭議的賠償金額(弗洛拉訴美國案(英语:Flora v. United States)之"全額支付規定")。 Parties who...
…the folks at General Tire touted the safety of their blowout-proof tires, but as with most things in the 1930s, the scene suggests little regard for safety in general…the boy driving the soapbox racer perilously close to the limo is not a supporter of the National Rifle Association—in...
Having received no answer to our attorney's letter, we filed in court against the Department in the Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri on November 23, 2016. The case was bounced around to at least five different Missouri Assistant Attorneys General before finally being decided. JUDGE'S ORD... Written by laudyms June 23, 2015 at 3:43 pm Posted inAgriculture,Environment,Govt folly,Health,Perception Management,Whistleblowers and other heroes Tagged withfungi,habitat restoration,Monsanto,Paul Stamets,pesticide,sustainable,technology ...