To optimize this behavior, you can take advantage of the ASP.NET 2.0 custom session ID generation features to hide the session ID for a request, thereby preventing any session state work for that request. You can do this by implementing a custom type that derives from System.Web.SessionState...
Exception setting "Visible": "Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application' Exception: "The given ColumnMapping does not match up with any column in the source or destination." Exchange Message Coun...
Here, we use theechocommand to set thetcp_fin_timeoutto30seconds or any other preferred value. However, we should be cautious, as reducing this timeout value can cause abrupt disconnection of sessions that are actually in a normal, albeit prolonged,FIN_WAIT_2state due to legitimate delays. ...
Again, we want to provide each node with enough information to enable it to find the least-cost path to any destination. The basic idea behind link-state protocols is very simple: Every node knows how to reach its directly connected neighbors, and if we make sure that the totality of ...
State: All of the necessary state needed to complete a request must be provided with the request. The clients and servers are inherently stateless. A client cannot rely on any state to be stored in the server, and the server cannot rely on any state stored in the client. This does not,...
Our unique solution neither requires the precise and spatially resolved knowledge of additional ambient conditions and soil parameters, nor any computational model. It also ensures that minor deviations in the input data do not lead to dramatic inaccuracies in the calculation of the burial depth that...
At any given moment, some VM instances are active while others are inactive, and they can be converted into each other. The migration is under the following strategy: during each unit of discrete time, an active VM instance makes a decision of whether to migrate to one of its replacements ...
This chapter presents the authors’ work for the Case Study entitled “Delivering Social Media with Scalability” within the framework of High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet) COST Action 1406. We identify some core research areas and give an outline of the ...
clearallofthem(ie.toturnallticksintocrosses);clickonFlipto invertanycrossestoticksandanytickstocrosses. Thecolumnonthefarrightofthepop-up,labelledLatest,showsthe totalnumberofsavesmadeforthatElementwithintheProject.The columntotheleft,labelledFileNo,showsthesavenumberofthat ElementfortheselectedVersion.TheNe...
To optimize this behavior, you can take advantage of the ASP.NET 2.0 custom session ID generation features to hide the session ID for a request, thereby preventing any session state work for that request. You can do this by implementing a custom type that derives from System.Web.SessionState...