Abbreviations for the United States The United States may be abbreviated to U.S. when used as an adjective, but in formal writing, it’s customarily spelled out. Most often, and especially in casual writing, remove the periods to spell out the United States as US. ...
which was still too long. In October 1963, the Department settled on the current two-letter abbreviations. Since that time, only one change has been made: in 1969, at the request of the Canadian postal administration, the abbreviation for Nebraska, originally NB, was changed to NE, to avoid...
Learn the state abbreviations and postal codes. This table is a handy tool for students, business people, and letter-writers alike. Hang it next to your desk, and you'll never again confuse the postal code AL for Alaska instead of Alabama!
The matrix is annotated with state abbreviations and their regional grouping. Extended Data Fig. 2 Annual early-death source–receptor matrices for 2005, 2011 and 2018 for the contiguous US. Each matrix comprises 48 × 48 states. a (i), The total source–receptor matrix for 2011. a (ii),...
Lowest Point:Indiana; 320 feet, 34th lowest Geographic Center:Boone, 14 miles northwest of Indianapolis Blank Outline Maps:Find printableblank map of the State of Indiana, without names, so you can quiz yourself on important locations, abbreviations, or state capital. ...
B State and Province Abbreviations Your FTD Mercury system is set up so you may search for florists and facilities according to the state and country abbreviations. B–2 Chapter B State and Province Abbreviations U.S. State Abbreviations Table B-1: United States State Abbreviations (and District...
,APO APO San Francisco, CA 96xxx New York, NY 11xxx Table 3 Canadian Province or Territory Abbreviations Province or Territory (English) Province or Territory (French) Code Alberta Alberta AB British Columbia Columbie-Britannique BC Manitoba Manitoba MB New Brunswick Nouveau-Brunswick NB Newfoundland...
David Silverman, a director for the Simpsons, has joked that Springfield is in the fictional state of "North Takoma" (or "North Tacoma"). This is substantiated by the state abbreviations NT and TA used within the show. However, this has never been officially confirmed in any canonical ...
Abbreviations Key *Indiana's Nature Preserves WebsiteSatellite View Indiana's Nature Preserves are the real hidden treasures of the state. They have everything that the state parks have, and more - except people. With a few exceptions, the Nature Preserves are rarely visited; even when there ...
States with Text Labels HI AK FL MI ME NY PA VA WV OH IN IL WI NC TN MO GA SC KY AL LA MS IA MN OK TX NM KS NE SD ND WY MT CO ID UT AZ NV OR WA CA VT NH MA NJ DE DC CT RI States with Text Labels State Abbreviations ...