文献使用Infogroup(现更名为Data Axle)的数据来确定公司的位置,其中包括美国上市公司和私营公司的分支机构和总部。 Pan等(2022): Inequality Aversion: Operations: The weighted average of Inequality Aversion across all states a firm operates in. The weights equal the first principal component of the fraction...
Stata 命令为: opartchi effect [weight=w],by(group) 结果为: Chi-square tests df Chi-square P-value Independence 6 22.07 0.0012 ---Components of independence test Location 2 3.118 0.2103 Dispersion 2 5.914 0.0520 有P ? 0.05 。 ? ? 0.05 的水平上尚不能拒绝 H 0 ,即根据本例资料尚不能认...
Note: Number of cohorts includes never treated. Note: The ATET reported by xtdidregress is a weighted average of the ATET components. If any component is substantially different from the ATET reported by xtdidregress and the weight is large, consider accountingfortreatment-effect heterogeneity by ...
Goodman-Bacon (2019) shows that this DD estimator is a weighted average of all possible two-group or two-period DD estimators in the data. The bacon command performs this decomposition and graphs all two-by-two DD estimates against their weight, which displays all identifying variation for the...
Th = (sum over group i)(sum over outcome j) nhij * ahj * yhi for each stratum h. Then form the statistic T by summing over strata. Sometimes the sum is weighted by stratum totals, sometimes strata are equally weighted. (I believe that SAS does the former; Rothman gives the formula...
GGROUP int %8.0g GIC Groups GIND long %12.0g GIC Industries GSECTOR byte %8.0g GIC Sectors GSUBIND long %12.0g GIC Sub-Industries IDBFLAG str1 %9s International, Domestic, Both Indicator INCORP str2 %9s Current State/Province of Incorporation Code LOC str3 %9s Current ISO Country Code ...
When group is multiplied by risk, all that remains are the values when group equals 1 (high risk); all low risk X values are equal to 0. However, a difference does occur when dividing the square of the sum of X by n (Step 3). The m including the interaction term (Equation 1) ...
average characteristics on a group of people. The weighting variable contains the number of persons over which the average was calculated (or a number proportional to that amount). iweights This weight has no formal statistical definition and is a catch-all ...
e(g_avg)averagegroupsize e(g_max)largestgroupsize e(Tcon)1ifTisconstant e(r2)R−squared e(r2_a)adjustedR−squared e(r2_w)R−squaredwithinmodel e(r2_o)R−squaredoverallmodel e(r2_b)R−squaredbetweenmodel e(F)Fstatistic e(rmse)rootmeansquarederror e(Tbar)harmonicmeanofgroupsize...
The standardization will be performed by city with the data stratified by age group. . use hbp . describe Contains data from hbp.dta Obs: 1130 (max= 5116) Vars: 7 (max= 99) Width: 17 (max= 200) 1. id str10 %10s 2. city byte %8.0g 3. year int %8.0g 4. sex byte %8.0g ...