r(100)varlist required/exp required/using required —— 命令中缺少变量或其他元素,检查完整性。✏️ r(101)varlist not allowed/if not allowed/using not allowed —— 命令格式错误,如不该加if。🚫 r(102)/r(103)—— 输入的变量太少或太多。🔢 r(106)—— 常出现在merge报错中,关键变量不...
Common error messages that may be displayed when a command does not allow factor variables or understand the new omitted operator include the following: factor variables not allowed r(101); interactions not allowed r(101); varname#0b: operator invalid r(198); factor variables and time-series ...
You would want to give an error message if factor variables are not allowed in the dependent variable. Instead of creating your own error message, you can use the Stata’s default error message. Consider the following: program cmd1, rclass syntax varlist(fv ts) [if] [in] , [*] local...
•Optional pieces do not preclude one another unless explicitly stated.For the list command,it is possible to use a varlist with if and in .•If a part of a word is underlined,the underlined part is the minimum abbreviation.Any abbreviation at least this long is acceptable.a.The l in...
Time Allowed: 2 hours (8:00-10:00) Each equation is worth some points contained in [ ]. Please attempt all questions. There are 100 points in total, including 55 points for multiple choices and 45 points for code design & interpretation. All answers should be filled in on the answer sh...
10187.102. format empid %05.0f . list empid in 83/87empid 83. 00098 84. 00099 85. 00100 86. 00101 87. 00102Technical note The syntax of the format command allows a varlist and not just one variable name. Thus you can attach the %9.2f format to the variables myvar, thisvar, and...
Notepad++ (NPP) Language Highlighter for Stata Dark Mode (XML File) - npp-stata-2019/statalang_v4.xml at 3aa3a7d3ff785084ba1a1d578c90cb25db3aa821 · akirawisnu/npp-stata-2019
di as error "Error: Maximum of two quantiles allowed" exit } * Quantiles can't be specified with by or multiple dependent vars currently, * Why? Too many lines floating around if "`quantiles'"!="" { if wordcount("`varlist'")>2 { di as error "Error: Can't use quantiles...
recast int strvar is not allowed in Stata, even if strvar contains values that could all be interpreted as ints. Stata Technical Bulletin 5 The attitude underlying destring is rather different from that implicit in the use of real() or conv2num. It is assumed that you want any changes ...
by, statsby, and xi are allowed; see [U] 11.1.10 Prefix commands. coeflegend does not appear in the dialog box. See [U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands for more capabilities of estimation commands. Options Model dgmmiv(varlist , lagrange(flag llag ) ) specifies GMM-type ...