cd C:\Download import exc "C:\Download\1-s2.0-S0140988322003334-mmc1\Data and command code\Data.xlsx", first clear d xtset country year gen lgdpp = ln(gdpp) gen lrit = ln(rit) gen lp = ln(p) gen lopen = ln(open) gen lis = ln(is) gen les = ln(es) gen lei = ln(ei)...
Everyone has tasks that they do all the time—create a particular kind of variable, produce a particular table, perform a sequence of statistical steps, compute an RMSE, etc. The possibilities are endless. Stata has thousands of built-in procedures, but you may have tasks that are relatively...
mkdir d:mydata 1.12错误提示List myvar上述命令试图显示变量 myvar,但是结果窗口仅出现如 下的显示variable myvar not foundr(111);红色信息表明, 没有找到一个叫 myvar 的变量, 的确, 我们的数据中并没有这个变量。 List 巧妇难为无米之炊。红色信息下面还有一个天兰色的 r(111),用鼠标点击, 即可弹进一个...
Stata在图表构建方面的最大优点是(除了图表质量),可以自由操控图表元素甚至通过自定义完成图表的叠加 ...
stata显示javainstallation not found stata安装organization 1.1 工具变量法 OLS 有一个经典的假设:解释变量与随机误差项不相关,即 。如果存在解释变量违背了这个假设,则估计出的参数是有偏的,也是不一致的。 工具变量 (IV) 法为解决「内生解释变量」问题提供了一种可行的方法。为此,我们需要找到满足以下条件的「外...
j variable (2 values) -> year xij variables: math2003 math2004 -> math economy2003 economy2004 -> economy --- . list +---+ | id name year math economy | |---| 1. | 1 John 2003 40 68 | 2. | 1 John 2004 13 55 | 3...
j(year)(note: j = 2003 2004)Data wide -> long---Number of obs. 8 -> 16Number of variables 6 -> 5j variable (2 values) -> yearxij variables:math2003 math2004 -> matheconomy2003 economy2004 -> economy---. list+---
然后,Stata将确保您的程序调用时使用的是一个现有变量的名称,该变量将被存储在名为varlist的本地宏中。(t即使你只有一个变量并在你的语法语句中使用varname,宏名依然是varlis)尝试pnupt nonesuch,Stata会抱错,说“variable nonesuch not found”。 (如果你之前有过编程经验,并且花费大部分时间用于检查输入错误,仅...
Subject Re: st: reshape "variable not found in using data" error (Stata 10.1) Date Wed, 20 Jul 2011 08:42:28 -0500You don't spell out exactly what you want the -reshape- to do, At a wild guess, you want . reshape wide value, i(company_name year) j(datatype_code) string Othe...