Stata检查唯一识别符是否唯一的命令为isid(或许是is this an ID的缩写)。isid允许同时检查多个唯一识别符,如果没有返回值,就说明是唯一的(没有消息就是好消息);如果不唯一,就会出现红色提示variable *** does not uniquely identify the observations。如采用下面例子中的查重方式: isid company //检查company是否...
Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 证券代码 year int %10.0g 统计年度 AITechnology int %10.0g 人工智能技术 BlockChainTec~y byte %10.0g 区块链技术 CloudComputin~h int %10.0g 云计算技术 BigDataTechno~y int %10.0g 大数据技术Digital...
(file trd_dalym.dta not found) file trd_dalym.dta saved Contains data from trd_dalym.dta Observations: 37,402 Variables: 12 11 Apr 2024 14:07 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ---
stata基本操作命令.docx,一、简单操作 改名字:rename 下载外部命令:ssc install outreg2 logout pwcorr_a xtset Stkcd Reptdt panel variable:Stkcd (strongly balanced) time variable:Reptdt,2013 to 2017 二、描述性统计 outreg2 using xxx.doc, replace sum(log) titl
Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 证券代码 year int %10.0g ViolationID long %10.0g 违规事件ID DisposalDate str10 %10s 处理文件日期 DeclareDate str10 %10s 公告日期 ShortName str12 %12s 证券简称 CoFullName str69 %69s 公司全称 Promulgator str41 %41s 公告发布机构 FileName str376 %37...
Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 成份证券代码 year int %10.0g Indexcd long %10.0g指数代码Enddt str10 %10s 截止日期 Constdnme str12 %12s 成份证券简称 Weight double %10.0g 权重...
选择字段 证券代码[Stkcd] 年度区间[Accper] 报表类型[Typrep] 其他流动资产项目[Fn01601]期末数[Fn01603] 筛选条件 [Fn01601] LIKE '%信贷%' 清洗数据 这里仅展示核心代码 初定义 cd "D:\Download" cap pr drop START pr def START args x
Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 股票代码 ISIN str12 %12s ISIN编码 --- 清洗代码 * use ciq_companyid-cusip, clear keep companyid cusip duplicates drop merge m:m companyid using ciq_companyid-gvkey,...
Stkcd long %10.0g 证券代码 year int %10.0g M_Jones float %9.0g 修正琼斯 --- Summary for variables: M_Jones Group variable: year year | N Mean SD Min p25 p50 p75 Max ---+--- 2000
Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 证券代码 year int %10.0g spread float %9.0g 企业贷款利差 --- Sorted by: Stkcd year . ta y year | Freq. Percent