方法一:gsreg gsreg y c1 c2 c3, fixvar(x) replace ncomb(n) cmdest(reghdfe) cmdoptions(absorb(i.industry i.year)) 注释: ncomb(写需要的控制变量个数,也可以是区间的形式) cmdest(用到的回归模型,可以是xtreg、reghdfe、logit) cmdoptions(absorb(相应模型用到的固定效应)) *上面的式子只是列...
cleargly"INEFFICIENCY"glx"lcc"glxx"Size Lev ROA LOSS Growth Quick Segment Dividend SOE Top1 INS Board Indpr Dual BigN INTENSITY MasterGrowth BacheGrowth OtherGrowth"*-EBMebalance$x$xx,target(3)reghdfe$y$x$xxi.year[aweight=_webal],absorb(stkcd)vce(clusterstkcd)eststorem1reghdfe$y$x...
missing(year) *Create a dummy variable to identify the group exposed to the treatment. In this example lets assumed that countries with code 5,6, and 7 were treated (=1). Countries 1-4 were not treated (=0). If you already have this skip this step生成地区的虚拟变量 gen treated = (...
Note, that as this is a static model, the lagged dependent variable does not occur and only contemporaneous cross sectional averages are used. Defining all independent and dependent variables in crosssectional(varlist) leads to the same result: xtdcce2 d.log_rgdpo log_hc log_ck log_ngd ,...
This variable is not automatically added toabsorb(), soyou must includeit in the absvar list. This is because the order in which you include it affects the speed of the command, andreghdfeis not smart enough to know the optimal ordering. ...
absorb(varlist[ , method ]) is part of StataNow. It specifies the categorical variables to be absorbed. The results are adjusted as if indicator variables for each level of each variable in varlist were included in the regression. An APM iterative algorithm is used to project the depvar ...
If it’s too much grading for the TAs to grade term papers I will either grade enough personally to absorb the excess hours or choose another assignment. Assigning group work cuts down the number of papers but it doesn’t really reduce the total instructional hours. I’m also not saying ...
(2023) Writing wrapper commands in Stata 1/41 Introduction Wrapper Structure Version Control On the shoulders of giants Example: spxtivdfreg Example: xtdpdgmmfe Conclusion At the 2017 UK Stata Users Group Meeting, Nicholas Cox gave a talk entitled On the shoulders of giants, or not reinventing...
xbdxb + d_absorbvars dd_absorbvars residualsresidual scorescore; equivalent toresiduals stdpstandard error of the prediction (of the xb component) althoughpredicttypenewvaris allowed, the resulting variable will always be of typedouble. testPerforms significance test on the parameters, see thestata ...
Warning: time variable year has 65 gap(s) in relevant range (MWFE estimator converged in 8 iterations) First-stage regressions --- First-stage regression of std_ecpi_a2: Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering on year and kernel-robust to common correlated...