我这边显示的是"unknown weight type", 和我一样的问题可以试着把代码的括号删除 2024-03-06· 安徽 回复1 光黎 谢谢博主,帮助很大,感恩,爱您 2024-12-26· 黑龙江 回复喜欢 人间失格 完美解决 2024-05-16· 广东 回复喜欢 skydive 感恩 2024-05-06· 河北 回复喜欢...
svyset, poststrata(type) postweight(postwgt) fpc(fpc) Sampling weights: VCE: linearized Poststrata: type Post. pop. sizes: postwgt Single unit: missing Strata 1: Sampling unit 1: FPC 1: fpc . svy: mean totexp (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata...
zsmooth requests that computed values be smoothed using surrounding cells, each with a weight of 1, and the target cell with a weight of 2 as shown below. 111 121 111 For cells located outside the grid, or where a cell's contents are unknown (ground) a weight of 0 is used. Thus,...
如果您还没有Stata,则可以搜索 SSC Archive。SSC Archive文件包含许多(尽管不是全部)社区贡献的命令。 其实,一直希望给中青年学者推荐一份Stata大字典,以便于能够容易地查询到自己想要的Stata程序。例如,你希望使用“因子增强的双重差分法”,此时就能直接在下方查询到“PCDID: perform principal components difference-in...
graph twoway lfit price weight || scatter price weight (作出price和weight的回归线图——“lfit”,然后与price和weight的散点图相叠加) twoway scatter price weight,mlabel(make) (做price和weight的散点图,并在每个点上标注“make”,即厂商的取值) ...
S456832 PARETOFIT: Stata module to fit a Type 1 Pareto distribution by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm S456831 BENFORD: Stata module to test Benford’s Law on a variable by Nikos Askitas S456830 MAIL: Stata module to send progress reports (Mac OSX/Linux/Unix) ...
Thus we will fit the model is already an indicator (0/1) variable, but we need to create the weight-squared variable. This can be done with the menus, but here using the mand line is simpler. Type . generate wtsq = weight^2 [ GSM ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 19 Now ...
Type help numlist to learn more about lists of numbers. weight: Some commands allow the use of weights, type help weights to learn more. using filename: The keyword using introduces a file name; this can be a file in your computer, on the network, or on the internet. options: Most ...
The Stata program ksm can fit some models of this type, including the well-known lowess. Generalized additive models (Hastie and Tibshirani 1990) offer even greater scope, but are not yet implemented in Stata. 12 Stata Technical Bulletin STB-21 The main advantages of local regression models ...
ggplot(dat, aes(x=xvals))+geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower,ymax=upper),fill="gray70")+geom_line(aes(y=yvals))+xlab("Vehicle Weight (1000s of lbs)")+ylab("Average Marginal Effect of Rear Axle Ratio")+ggtitle("Predicting Automatic/Manual Transmission from Vehicle Characteristics")+theme_bw()...