The command unique without a by reports the number of unique values for the varlist. With a by it does the same, but also creates a new variable (_Unique by default but can be named in the gen option). This new variable contains the number of unique values of the varlist for each ...
label values urban urban 步骤 :数值与标签 (可有可⽆) . numlabel urban, add mask(#. ) 第三章数据的合并与转换 1.数据合并类型 增加观察值 (即样本量):纵向合并 若有⼀个城市⼉童数据和⼀个农村⼉童数据,⼆者的内容基本相同 可进⾏独⽴分析或整合后作为整体样本的次样本分析 增加 量:...
“unique”, there are five distinct or unique values—namely, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5—whereas in another sense there is just one unique value—namely, 1, the only value that occurs precisely once. To put it another way, is uniqueness a property of the input (each value occurs once in ...
如下: . codebook region achieve10 region 地域 type: numeric (float) label: region range: [1,4] units: 1 unique values: 4 missing .: 0/1,417 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 92 1 直辖市 386 2 东部 479 3 中部 460 4 西部 achieve10 个人学习能力 2010 type: numeric (float) - 11 - ...
| | Unique Variable | Obs=. Obs>. Obs<. | values Min Max ---+---+--- edu | 1,123 26,287 | 16 1 16 income | 6,144 21,266 | >500 -10000 720000 income2 | 6,144 21,266 | >500 -10000 720000 --- 上表
replace ***检查数据*** * 查看标识变量 isid unique duplicates use hh_data,clear isid pid year //方法一:运行结果为空表明标识变量唯一且不重复 unique pid year //方法二:显示非重复值个数 duplicates report pid year //方法三:显示标识变量的重复次数 duplicates list pid year //方法四:展示重复值...
distinct()用于对输入的tbl进行去重,返回无重复的行,类似于 base::unique() 函数,但是处理速度更快。原数据集行名称会被过滤掉。 语法:distinct(.data, …, .keep_all = FALSE) 举例1: df <- data.frame( x = sample(10, 100, rep = TRUE), ...