Why won’t my .dta file show up in the Open dialog?Can you suggest a text editor?Why does Preview.app lock up when I open Stata’s PDF documentation from the Finder?Why am I unable to copy graphs and tables from Stata into other applications?
Stata基础命令03_use_save use/save:Stata数据⽂件(.dta)的打开和保存 中南财经政法⼤学STATA协会学术组 2013年1⽉30⽇ 1简介 在数据整理和分析中,⼤部分情况需要将现成的数据⽂件直接读⼊Stata中进⾏分析。.dta 数据⽂件是Stata的基本存储格式,也称为其扩展名,它的打开和保存我们使⽤use/...
exit no; dataset in memory has changed since last saved r(4); If you would like to save your changes, you could save the dataset as you save any other file by using File > Save or Ctrl +S. You can also save the dataset by typing save filename. You could then type exit ...
1简介 在数据整理和分析中,大部分情况需要将现成的数据文件直接读入Stata中进行分析。.dta 数据文件是Stata的基本存储格式,也称为其扩展名,它的打开和保存我们使用use/save命令。2命令格式 usefilename [,clear ].u .use 3示例do-file 1 2 3 4 4运行结果 .use auto,clear/*清空内存数据,并打开Stata...
(Alternatively, you may copy the original Stata.do to any folder you wish and then make the copy.) Rename the copy new.do. Now edit new.do using Word. When you save new.do, start by selecting Save As from the File pulldown menu; click on the File Format button; check the Text ...
Therefore, I am currently unable to provide a version of dtainfo for users of Stata on the Apple Macintosh. However, if there is enough interest in dtainfo by users of the Mac version of Stata, I will be happy to seek out a Mac and release a Mac-compatible version of dtainfo in a...
162. ado-file does not define command xyz.ado is supposed to define xyz and, perhaps, subroutines for use by xyz, in which case file xyz.ado did not define anything named xyz. 170. unable to chdir (Unix and Mac.) cd was unable to change to the directory you typed because it does ...
It should be noted, however, that I was unable to successfully obtain the desired output when following Wolverton's self-calling BAT example exactly. A comparison of the PG.BAT and the BAT on page 83 will reveal the discrepancies. Using a modifiable BAT file When you require different Stata...
The calculation is relatively quick, taking less than 10 seconds for designs with up to 6 arms and 5 stages. However, it can be made more efficient by performing the calculation in Mata. This involves the use of three-dimensional matrices that, despite being unable to be used directly in ...
If you use a 32-bit computer, you likely will be unable to set matsize to 11,000. A value of 11,000 would require nearly 1 gigabyte per matrix. The total memory consumption most 32-bit operating systems will grant to Stata is 2 gigabytes, so if you had two matrices, there would ...